The Xenomorph plushie in the link is so cool. Greatest mom ever

And it likely handled, accelerated, and stopped like an SUV too.

What does it say if my cat is named Da Dunt?

Kinda cool, but to be honest, I assumed it was destroyed years ago. So this was a fun treat.

When it comes to covers / splash pages / posters, I like the over the topness. But page after page, that tends to get a lil old.

Never implied it does. But it is, good/bad that is a different discussion, as you agreed, it is distinctive.

But can you tell who left said excrement on the sidewalk just by how it looks? That takes true excreter 'talent'...

I believe they probably did change names as googling Comics on Parade also brings up results for Metro Entertainment

Only if there is a quikstop/7-11/ or other convenience store across the street is it convenient. Otherwise you have to schlep your 'medication' and comics to the nearest source of microwave burritos, slim jims, funyuns, and slurpees.

I always feel Liefeld catches too much crap for his *ahem* art. Good or bad, it is distinctive. You know a Liefeld panel when you see it. Some artists are unique, but it is often similar as artists often learn from each other. 'Course it could be that nobody wants to 'borrow' his style...

'Corddin' ta Google they are now at 933 State St Santa Barbara Ca 93101

Now playing

These are seem like they were supposed to look like they were locally produced commercials and not a national ad campaign. Still, they ain't as disturbing as the Spike Lee / Rob Liefeld Levi commercial.

This is a bit of a 'urban legend'. The truth is that the dye used on the tiger was water soluble, and can be seen in some shots where 'striping' is visible around the cats mouth. It would dilute the dye when it would get a drink. Sultan (the tiger's real name) lived for two years after filming and died of 'extreme

While watching the episode, I kept thinkin' to myself, 'okay, when is the joke supposed to start?' Overall, it was a disappointing episode, saved only by the appearance of the Robot Devil.

I think that the biggest problem with trying to adapt a cartoon to 'reality' is the source material. How do you make a guy who goes from being Perez Hilton to '80s Arnold Schwarzenegger who rides around on a giant green talking tiger and fights a guy with blue skin and skull for a head a 'serious' film?

Sadly, yes there was. Originally planned as a spin off of Rocky 4, it had the zombie of Apollo Creed in a rematch with Ivan Drago, however some pages from a fan script for Masters of the Universe got mixed in and ... What?! Like that sounds any worse than what really happened.

She wasn't a knock-off, she was his twin sister kidnapped by Skeletor's apprentice Hordak and taken to Etheria where... okay, I will admit it, it ain't a knock-off, but damn could they milk a concept for all it was worth...

The fact that she doesn't appear to have Hepitius C is also a good sign.

If the costumes efx look like this I would be happy. Plus, maybe throw in She-Ra... just 'cause...

It really is quite smurf. But if you are not smurf enough to smurf it out, well smurf for you!