Brooke Chook

There's a Mara Wilson cameo? That makes it an automatic A in my book!

Which would be normal tv these days except I expect better from two LGBT creators….

True dat, there was already a tweet out a couple of weeks ago about this episode from after ellen…they didn't say empire but it clearly was.

Yea I watched that recently and spent the whole timer wondering why they didn't cast Tem Morrison. Kingsley did an ok job with the accent considering, but it was still hard to listen to. He couldn't even pronounce Maori right lol.

In NZ we used to claim him a lot, like after he won the Oscar, but these days we just call him an Aussie and go back to worshipping the Lorde!

Really, it seems like it was important you as an athletic person who actually works in sports to let people know that no-one says "how's the ball going", despite the sarcasm of the original line. But if I've missed your tone I apologise.

Yea she was joking,…

Rachel WOULD refuse to show up, that bitch!

Sleater-kinney, Kim Gordon and Peaches? Sounds like my teen playlist!

Carrie Fisher video's on youtube…

I like HC but I agree. Abbi and Ilana don't portray themselves as the smartest people or a bastion of feminism.

I found her roundtables hilarious, and occasionally the interviews, everything else not so much. I don't really get the visceral hate though.

Wasn't there a rat roaming Ilana's apartment in the episode 1 montage? Great foreshadowing!

Nah, her posting Mr Hands for a colonic deal was genius, completely brilliant and entirely inappropriate. Like Ilana. And the whole set up to that was just great writing!

I've seen in. I recommend not watching it.

To be fair, that is kind of genius!!

Totally agree, SA2 is a classic!

Because it's amazing!

I am a New Zealander and an Aucklander who would have no idea. And I lived in Dunedin for a period. Us Aucklander's don't really care about anything below the Bombay hills ;)

See I find the OitNB, iZombie, and Kimmy Schmidt openings a bit too much.