Brooke Chook

Where has she been? I remember her killing it at the roast of Roseanne Barr but i'm suprised she hasn't been so visible with her considerable wit!

I agree about HEadey, but Clarke looks stunning with the blonde hair!

I feel like the sex slaves story could have been interesting if they ever went anywhere with it. It just felt pointless. I still love the tone and atmosphere of the show though, perhaps it would have been better as a film….

This was cute but the previous trailer looked kinda bad. I really hope not because I love the people involved.

Yea I ended up watching it. It was worth it for Maslany!

I liked most of the episodes as individuals, just not as a whole season. Which might be why the pilot is so good, because nothing came before it it wasn't fucking any storylines up :)

I think she's always done it. I dunno I kind of like it. Ruth Wilson's is a little more distracting but she's still smoking hot.

The issues you have the with this episode are the same issues I had with the rest of the show. Plot lines started that never go anywhere, thing happen that seem important but then end up not being important at all. Claire seems to change her mind about thing constantly but we are never shown why.
To be honest, I still

Both of those actresses were unavaible to shoot, hence why they were written out. I'm holding out hope that Nicky will be back.

I loved that show, shame it didn't get a second season!

Nic Cage lol


Keep watching.

Haha same. And then I started thinking that her power was that she hadn't aged.

Loved the episode!

I felt the same lol!

Those were not udon noodles…

Meh i'm not so fussed about spoilers, I thought you were referring to when she fake jumped off.

When does she jump off a building?

I don't know, after a night of drinking red wine and listening to Hello on repeat, I cried into my pillow then threw up all over the walls…