Brooke Chook

I think it was revenge. He wanted Elliot to find Shayla's dead body. Also he's an idiot. He put all his drug deals on twitter.

Yea and no-one had aknowledged both of them at the same time, except for the drug dealer, but that turned out to be a dream.

look it up on TV tropes.
Basically means reducing female characters to dead women being found by main characters (being stuffed in the fridge etc)

I haven't see Halt but the other two shows are the only two I'm keeping up with, and i'm failry sure its because of the music and sound first and formost.

Soul destroying. I actually thought Shayla would be alive when he threw Elliott the keys. But once he showed hesitancy in opening it I realised.


I've never seen it but good to know!

Oh yea just my opinion, nothing really qualitative. I do think the Secretariat arching storyline was just as good as the book from S1 though.

I liked seeing Bojack really try to turn himself around with Wanda and then seeing it all fall apart. Felt more real than S1, well as real as a show about a horseman can be :)
Plus there were 4 episodes that were completely outstanding IMO, up there with the best of any show. Don't think S1 hit those heights, and it

I dunno, for me S2 was a a big improvement on S1, and I really liked S1.

Yea perfect for Bojack!

yea true. Sometimes I think the reviewer is watching a different show.

Is that a Royal tenenbaums reference? If so, amazing!

Yes and what's up with asking why Joe didn't lie and say he just activated Adult mode and didn't sleep with her. Um he came and confessed to her. That ws the point. Why would he confess and then keep lying???

In NZ and Aus its kind of used as a term of endearment. Calling someone a Good C*** is very common!

Plus that budget doesn't include marketing costs right?

I LOVE stupid bullshit like this!

Ok I see what you're saying now but i still disagree. There are plenty of things Mr Robot could have said that would have fit in there. Sure in theory he could have said something that made Darlene's response nonsensical, and then Elliot and the viewers would realise he isn't reaL, but that's just creative licence. It

No, becasue the response works as a response to what Mr Robot said, and as a response to Elliott's silence.

I think the dialogue works with and without Mr Robot's lines is what I am saying. I dissagree with Sadiki that it's proof that Mr Robot isn't real, but it definitly works. I'm not sure why you think it doesn't.