
I agree, thought the light released Carrie from any "burden" of having to release Quinn. His whole saving was the "false" glimmer imo.

Fixed it. thx.

That whole "dry run" is problematic for there'd be no way to know what had been there in the apartment that wasn't there when Nathalie arrived. You don't need a safe house to build a "big bomb" with plastique. And there are 4 bars still sitting on the desk. The fact they juxstaposed the scene with the "faked crime

I wonder if Plot 33 is just a mass grave of the first group… though this is the part of the story I find unbelievable- mass suicide because you've been saved seems unlikely- (opposite of the plot of Battlestar Galactica- the will to survive is strong- even against a ruthless enemy). That, and children keeping the

Interesting! Pope says to Ethan that he should be happy he got his family "back." As if they were returned to him. Also, Ethan is getting a second chance- is it possible he's the only one who's been returned?

If you like speculative mystery fiction centered on the outsider enters a strange town trope, then it's pretty fun trying to figure out what's going on.

You're right. Rats, thought it was a good clue.

The flower placed at Beverly's "Reckoning" is a white calla lily- a symbol of rebirth, faith and purity.

Neat theory, though it still doesn't explain oddities like Beverly saying she "always" believed Ethan, also what of Jenkins and Ethan's boss wanting to call "it" off if it's not too late, but "it's done."

That's the odd part right, not explaining anything to the inhabitants?

interesting things:

I asked Terry Matalas (co-creater) why they couldn't bring a sample of the 2017 virus and the "cures" for the mutated strains back to say the year 2000 and work on a vaccine for the original virus outbreak of 2017, and his answer was…

I had the same question, so I asked Terry Matalas (co-creater) why they couldn't bring a sample of the 2017 virus and the "cures" for the mutated strains back to say 2000 and work on a vaccine for the original virus, and I quote his answer,

I thought he just fell out of his skin, literally.

Anyone would!

Seems like "fear of weakness" would bond she and Carl, and yet she really doesn't seem to trust him. I'm sure we'll learn more of her backstory- not talking for a month after joining the town- I'm guessing severe trauma, but I don't imagine she was going it alone for two years- since no one could. It doesn't make

What of the teen girl (sorry, forgot her name) who "doesn't like" Carl… are "her people" waiting nearby waiting for a chance to strike? Carl needs to mention her outings ASAP… that he sees her outside the town upon the group's arrival and doesn't mention it is weird.

Sam may have been a horrible person, an adulterer and an unethical professor/psychologist, but none of that makes him guilty of murdering Lila, which was my point. (Who did Sam force to have an abortion? He may have wanted Lila to, but Lila was pregnant when she died).

Don't know how important or relevant it is, but The Witness as Cassie sees him is wearing a gas mask… she calls it a plague doctor mask, but I dunno… got 3 screen grabs

And what happened to Rebecca's drug dealing and drug using? (I won't even ask about her job and how she's paying rent?)