
Oh honey...

or Smaug?

an Italian woman who divorced her husband because her mother-in-law was interfering in their marriage too much

and a woman whose "husband had not spoken to her for 15 years, communicating with her only by Post-it notes."

I thought I'd help J.K. Rowling out by tweeting her some advice.

I thought I'd help J.K. Rowling out by tweeting her some advice.

I like how he basically calls her irrelevant, but he was following her on Twitter obviously.

I just went from liking Seth Rogen to loving Seth Rogen. Well done.

Jesus had a ton of friends.

I believe that there are certain qualities that may be worthy of rape.

John the Baptist cried out in the wilderness and people went out to listen to him. This guy cried out in the middle of the town square and everyone left. I don't know about you, but I'd say that's a clear hint from God.

But alas, according to the article, they are not doing well. My guess is the women you are talking about (I've seen them) work out so little they require only one sports bra, or they don't bother with a sports bra at all.

"Gymgoers realize they're on display when they work out".

She didn't but don't let the facts stop you from being upset. Reading is hard, I know.

But run of the mill bullying is just fine. Ok.


Edgar Allen Poe's bedroom.

Well la-di-frickin-da.

Fantastic piece. As someone from Seattle I'm mixed on how Infamous treated my hometown. On the one hand, it was neat looking for things I recognized (especially Stranger ads), I felt that it presented a superficial look into local problems such as our historical treatment of the natives and our overly abusive police

Without hyperbole, this is the greatest article I've ever read on a site in this network. An honest point of view, with no sideskirting or avoidance of the realities of the topic at hand, is a rare thing much valued. Thank you for this.