
This isn't the end of the world, no. But if some assholes ate food and drank liquor that I paid for and then posed for pictures and whatnot? That shit is definitely going on Facebook & they're getting called out. Worst thing in the world? Nah, not at all. But I would've done the exact thing the couple did.

On the one hand, I'd say to lighten up if they didn't cause any problems. On the other hand, they probably cost the bride and groom $100 or so each. I'd be pretty pissed at some strangers taking $200 from me.

A lot of comments I've seen on other sites about this seem to be telling the woman to lighten up and that it wasn't a big deal — but when you pay for food and drinks and some people who weren't even invited come in and have that food and those drinks, you're paying for them. These people knew they weren't invited to

This. I once walked into a corporate women's room to find a scene that I later described as "if a very tall ballerina had explosive diarrhea while doing pirouettes." I was astonished and almost impressed except for the smell.

I saw two girls run out of the restroom snickering, didn't think much of it so I continued into, what turned out to be, the cement to my phobia of public restrooms. Those two demons had gone ice skating on their used period soaked pads. I'm talking all over the floors, the walls, the stalls, the mirrors, the sinks,

I watched a homeless dude walk down the street here in Las Vegas (Charleston and Rainbow) with a Radio Flyer wagon (classic American red metal pull cart).

This is from back in the day, decades ago. One morning I got on the subway at the Bedford Ave. stop with my long Brooklyn hair (it was decades ago, we all had it). It was jam packed (usual) but I noticed a break in the bodies so I sidled toward it because I was young and foolish. (Stupid, I know. NEVER, ever head

If that's not a friendship-building experience, I don't know what it.

You are a fucking saint.

The night that the Seahawks won the Super Bowl was pure insanity in Seattle. I went out with a few friends to the only bar with a dance floor in my neighborhood, a divey place called Ozzies. My friend and I ordered a drink and took it to the small dance area to celebrate how awesome our city and team were. I took one

when we were 16 my friend, on a dare, chugged hot sauce and puked. gross, right? the next day, we went to the beach and climbed over a very scenic little rock to the tide pool area. all of the sudden my poor friend turned to me and said, I HAVE TO SHIT. i advised climbing back over the cliff to the public bathrooms

Market street in San Francisco: A homeless gentleman took a shit on the street corner while I was waiting for MUNY. This is a fairly regular event in SF, however. What made it spectacular is that he wiped himself by dragging his bare ass up the corner of the building he was standing in front of. I have never seen

I worked in an inner city library for several years and there was no end to the gross/strangeness.

At least he did it on the newspaper?

I am not too sure if this qualifies as "public," but here it goes:

I used to go camping with my dad a lot in high school. Often on these trips, I would bring friends and my dad would invite my 20something to come along with his friends. He would also bring his dog. Most mornings my dad, my friend and I would drive to

The Folsom Street Fair is fetish street fair that happens in San Francisco every year. I worked on Folsom street so every year I got to walk through it. There's a lot of muscle guys in leather and old guys with something injected in their balls to make them look huge, stuff like that. The grossest thing I ever saw

Jesus. These stories. I can't show this to my husband or he will refuse to leave the house. A few weeks ago, we were at a cafe getting breakfast and there was a couple (late 40s) on the communal couch with their shoes off, rubbing their be-socked feet all over the couch. Bad enough. Other people don't want your foot

When I was in high school, I went into the bathroom one day to find a group of girls giving another girl a haircut. Not just any haircut, but a typical Myspace scene queen haircut. Like this.

i have a twofer: at the Delancey St subway station, both these incidents occurred. either one is not really noteworthy, but a week apart, on the exact same section of platform at the same station, i was amazed.