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    Anyone who drinks free booze on the dime of people they don't know is yes, awful. A monster.

    Loud, crowded, full of pudgy sports fans and white trash. Crappy food that will make you sick. Karaoke. No reason to go to Ozzie's with so many fine places to drink nearby.

    You go into Ozzie's, you kinda get what you deserve.

    I guess the blond woman would be his wife Anna Faris may be?

    Gawker: where everyone comes to pretend they don't understand hyperbole.

    If it's not cheating it's at least theft; those people didn't pay to be there.

    Three tablespoons? That's barely a sip. Give me a break. I think it's disgusting that soda gets marketed directly to kids but wake me up when they're handing out actual cans of soda before a test, not moistening the kids' tongues with some Mountain Dew.

    Maybe they stay on the racks because going into a yoga shop is intimidating. As a Seattle resident who goes running instead of doing yoga, I've peeped into far too many shops with snobby, impeccably thin salesgirls who make it very clear that You Do Not Belong Here. I'm only a size 10. Frankly, you yoga folks are

    No. She is doing neither. Stop trying to vilify her for being blissfully ignorant of her husband.

    Yeah. A victim of his manipulation. Stop vilifying her when she had absolutely nothing to do with it.

    If they're gonna get bailouts from TAX PAYER money then no, they don't "get" to discriminate.

    What's next? If pornstars can't have their money in a Chase bank, will I eventually no longer be able to buy items they do not approve of?

    That's literally asking Tori to stop being the person she's been her entire life: a spoiled Hollywood princess. Not saying it's unreasonable but it IS impossible.

    Ladies, I give you: my series of Guy Fieri tweets, starting from last summer. They've skyrocketed me to Twitter semi-fame:


    Exactly what purpose does this post serve other than to have a laugh at another woman's expense because we think we're so much better than they are?

    He actively promoted fascism, which made a lot of other people's lives hell. His right to believe whatever he wants stops at the point where it leads to the death of other people.

    Criticizing someone is not silencing them. Nor is the author here the federal government. You have no understanding of the first amendment.

    Personally I wouldn't be surprised if there's some truth to this. Most women I know are pretty interested in traditionally "masculine" activities, but find that the men in their lives have kept from them (sometimes deliberately) the information they need to participate, be it football (Dad would let me watch, but

    Immature? Let's talk about immature: her original post. Good lord, don't enable that shit.