Well that's a very poorly veiled way of saying, "I support those who did this to Anita, and it irks me that you would defend her."
Well that's a very poorly veiled way of saying, "I support those who did this to Anita, and it irks me that you would defend her."
I can see how many of these have played into my high levels of productivity. I work from home, I have a 42" monitor, I take little mental breaks every time I reach a stumbling block (watching a YouTube video or reading a Cracked article, for instance), I put in a full day's worth or work whether or not I get up early.…
What leetox said.
No one cares. Seriously. This world is built around kissing your slim ass. I've been fat, I've been thin. Currently I'm what the world considers HWP. And I still say, no one cares.
Update: Seventeen took the BMI calculator down from the site.
Oh boo hoo. It's hard being thin huh.
Yup my boyfriend was a security guard in the emergency room of a hospital and he says the same. I remember that the observation struck me as particularly telling because my boyfriend is a huge skeptic and is the last person to attribute a mere observation to an entire phenomenon.
Good for you. I'm in Seattle and can't find a single one. No, I'm not going to buy one at that markup, but to indicate buying one on Ebay is stupid because they're just like, soooo in stock, is dishonest at best and contrarian at worst.
I generally support outing these kinds of individuals but in this case wouldn't a handle from their email be helpful too, at least to distinguish them from other people with that name? For instance I have a friend named David Bruno that works in video games PR...highly unlikely that he's the same one from above, but…
Feigning ignorance as to whether some women are forced is just an easy way to try and duck out of your social responsibility in this conversation. Women are forced to give birth all the time. And a mere forty years ago, those babies were routinely stolen away from them and given to nice white Christian couples who…
Well, combined with a general growing ease in our society with enjoyment of anal stimulation, and the fact that administering substances anally is the fastest way to absorb them into the blood stream, it makes perfect sense to me. Why do you even care?
I actually did that (I took the photo as proof that I did actually send my ballot, in case there was fishiness) but eh, in Washington State they don't give a fuuuuck.
Play on a PC with a decent graphics card, brat.
Oh boo. Seriously.
He has since erased his Twitter page.
It may not be the athlete's fault, but a highly revered football program, to the point where participants were practically treated as gods, is partially to blame for this tragedy being allowed to continue. Time to take Penn State down a peg or two.
And yet Jezebel is responsible for this very same behavior daily. See: Tomb Raider, any number of other issues.
Gee I bet you guys found this story all by yourselves too. That top paragraph doesn't at all sound like something I've read somewhere else.
Wow I wish his reality reflected my reality. Online gaming would be a lot more fun. Annoying, but better than receiving threats or constant insults.
Believing in anything without solid proof is ridiculous. Sorry.