@mrClint: You people just don't understand. IT WAS FOR LOVE. That means no matter how tasteless or heartless it might have been, it's totally justified.
@mrClint: You people just don't understand. IT WAS FOR LOVE. That means no matter how tasteless or heartless it might have been, it's totally justified.
@kobeashi: I would say it depends upon your tastes. On a personal level, I tolerate a lot from games, but the wonky controls were almost too much, even for me. I also felt they needed to adjust the camera view, as it was too rigid and I would have preferred to be able to zoom in and out with greater range, and to be…
@QCypher: Oh man, I remember when they actually released that song as a single for free download for all the people who loved it. That campaign worked so brilliantly. I'm almost ashamed to admit that it worked, caught me hook line and sinker. I loved Mercs 2.
Ha. Proud, with a hint of shame, to say that crowd includes me.
Hm, I have friends at Snowblind who are currently on WITN. Wonder how this will affect them.
@BubbleF**kingBuddy: Helluva a mod then. I'm already 50 hours in.
@Holly: Here's the intro to the Pyramid Head mod. You find him in an abandoned factory in Grayditch (the location of which you can see as I'm leaving, if you're curious).
@TheTonyShow: If there is one, I sure as shit need to track it down. That sounds awesome.
@Twyst3d: That was an early video before I'd learned really how to do the run down. On the notes on my Youtube, it actually does list the location and tell you how to get there. On my newer videos I always make sure to start off with the Pipboy location. I should probably add a note if I plan to leave this one up.…
@Sefa: Oh thank god. The problem was magnified (literally) when I was playing by the fact that I PC game on my 51in TV. Felt like I was at sea! Thanks for the tip.
@BleedingThumbsMurphy: I might need to go make a video of it right now, it's ridiculously fun.
@GunFlame: Get equipped with Metal Blades: You win.
@PrimateWithAGun: Thank you for the heads up. I had to pretty much give up playing the game because of some of the issues but maybe I can pick it back up with a mod. Might still make me motion sick though :(
So many good ones for Fallout 3, most of which just add some cool content. Let's see, Existence 2.0, Mart's Mutant Mod, The Cube...I reviewed a bunch for fun in the boredom leading up to FNV. My favorite might have actually been the simplest, one that added Pyramid Head to the game. He'd stalk you all over the map…
@Coillscath: Possibly, but just look at the way he gazes at the prostitute's junk as he shimmies low to the ground.
Just had to share this video I made of Boone eye fucking a male prostitute at Gemorrah.
@interkin3tic: Same. It's good to remember that most of these people are trying to deliberately kick up a stir to promote their own careers, and sometimes are desperately grasping at straws to not get shitcanned at work. Half the time they're no better than tabloids, running headlines they know they will contradict…
@Greg Rassam: Word! I was thrilled to find a fix for Veronica the other day, and I don't think I can even calculate how many hours I've spent on FO3 with the many Nexus Forums mods. Reviewed quite a few to amuse myself in the week leading up to NV, lol
@jezz.torrent: Agreed! I bought my computer 18 months ago. At the time it played Fallout 3 GOTY Edition beautifully. And now it's playing Civ 5 beautifully, too.
@JediMasta: Frankly, this little rant is hilarious in light of the many, many, many Xbox and PS3 fanboys who do exactly what you accuse PC fanboys of doing. Especially when you consider that American games market thrives on the concept of "better graphics is supreme". Until it comes to PC gaming, which most can't…