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    @Not_Polly: You're missing the point. These ads may be a reflection of our society, but they've played an enormous part in preserving the status quo by portraying an image of "normalcy" that generations have been presented with and subsequently on a conscious or subconscious level try to mimic. I say this not only as

    @Kovitlac: Halo's graphics are beautiful, and I'm not even a fan.

    @ChaiLatte: And of course the wealthy and the white are not actually fucking each other, but the Hispanic pool boy and the Asian "massage therapist".

    @chloekinsicle: Thank you for sharing, that has inspired me to do the same in the future.

    @Kovitlac: I felt the color scheme fit the game beautifully. It seems like that and the complaints about the graphics are typical gamer elitest drivel wherein a bunch of nerds get together and try to out-snob each other.

    @CreepingDeath0: To tell you the truth, FO3 looks so good on my PC that I'm baffled that anyone thinks the graphics suck. I played New Vegas on XBOX 360 at both E3 and PAX and could kind of see why people might not like it as much on there, 'cause the textures aren't as good.

    Hardy har har.

    @Tsunamidusher: Actually the conversation makes more sense if you read it with their voices in your head.

    @stingjc: Besides both being, you know, centered entirely around a twisted version of Wonderland.

    @Francisco Galárraga: Oh really? The concept of a dark and disturbed Wonderland isn't a rip off?

    I always wondered what he thought. He's surprisingly gracious, too. A weaker person might have been tempted to call Burton's Wonderland a rip off of McGee's entirely.

    @hagren: That sentiment sums up how I feel about it nicely. I hear a lot of people screaming how it's a "crap game", for reasons that essentially boil down to not liking the controls. I thought the level design and the execution of their theme was masterful and I adored every minute of the game. The story really did

    @Gravidos: Isn't it Microsoft's responsibility to make people *more* aware of the limitations, having anticipated the number of people looking forward to Halo: Reach co-op multiplayer?

    Hey Microsoft! You guys are dicks.

    Doesn't Karl's stance on birthdays just strike you as unbearably childish? When will it ever be en vogue to just not give a shit? Seems like the entire fashion industry is run by people who insist on lying to themselves. It's kind of funny if you're on the outside looking in.

    Snails with freakin' penises attached to their heads.

    @Rosa - que seria de mi?!: Exactly. Plus it's a little ageist to assume she can't handle the work load. For all we know she's doing absolutely fine.

    See, I think the line between porn and art is pretty clear: something you do at someone, versus with someone. It seems the Daily Beast never learned the word "context".