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    @Ipomoea: Agreed. Seattle area Juggalo fans are awesome. Funny how everyone in this thread rushes to defend her and have no problem summing up an entire group of people and stereotyping them with a second though. My ex was a very serious ICP fan and he was as sweet as could be, never would harm a fly.

    @Smogdini: I still can't believe the amazing cast for that.

    @DavidWatts: OK well now that you've clarified, do you care to address the many many comments pointing out *why* AA deserves the criticism it gets?

    @DavidWatts: Yeah, I'm sure the constant sexual harassment of the models he employs has nothing to do with it.

    @talithaghetto: That's all his apology is, an effort to control the situation. Given that he says "no excuses", it sounds like he's read just enough bullshit apology backlash to know to cover his tail.

    As a bisexual chick I somewhat see what she is saying, though I dislike the "othering". Sexually promiscuous lesbian sex is less frowned upon because in heterosexual relationship dynamics, it's framed as a chase between the manipulative guy and the reluctant unwilling girl. A lesbian having sex is just a lesbian

    Revealing his HIV positive status, you stay classy NYP! (And yes, I know the guy volunteered that information to authorities. Still rude, imo).

    @mich7988: Delis doesn't surprise me, it's stereotypically a woman's job. Please don't use your personal experience to try and invalidate mine. I experienced what I experienced. No one takes a young cute short chick very seriously when it comes to picking a steak...or at least, they didn't trust this one, no matter

    I'm totally reading that Myspace bit in a reality show voice-over blurb where some co-ed details her pasttimes and interests like it provides some key insight into her oh so deep personality. Right before they pimp her ride, or rock her love bus, whatever it is the kids are doing on MTV these days.

    Best storm out ever.

    Sigh. I got hired as a meat cutter when I was 18 because they wanted someone young and someone female to even out the male to female ratio. The particular grocery store in question also like to hire cute young girls around summer time to keep the old pervs coming in (retirement community).

    The writer of THIS self important drivel is denouncing narcissistic writing?

    I often got hit on and sexually harassed, even sexually assaulted by a customer once while, get this

    @Farren_Randolph: Cosigned! Even at 21 I could march through some of the worst parts of town with a scowl on my face and an intimidating walk, and that was all I needed. All five foot one of me (and not hard on the eyes). I actually haven't been sexually harassed in the street in a long time since I started radiating

    @Grglstr: Maybe it wouldn't have given them peace but at least in the realm of sci fi it would have somewhat wrapped up the show while still not being a "mega happy ending". And to me, the fact that the sideways timeline was merely about the characters reconciling their past as Losties and moving on to the after life

    @stereobot: As I said in another comment, it didn't "count". They were on their way to the after life. It didn't provide me with a sense of resolution because I didn't really give a shit whether or not they lived out the rest of their lives, as crappy as they were, and just met up on the way to heaven.

    @Grglstr: Not really. It didn't "count", 'cause they were all just on their way to heaven (*barf*). The lives didn't actually get lived out. Without that, it takes away from what would have been the beautiful moment of the "real" universe Losties becoming aware of the sideways timeline and finding peace in knowing

    @thecortexiphansession: My desired ending was along those lines, but just one thing changed: that both the timelines would become aware of one another; that the Losties in the "ideal" timeline would then be able to live their lives together in the knowledge of what they went through in another life (brother), and the