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    @Toshi: Had you chose to actually read the thread, you'd find that I don't think trying to post items solely of interest to hetero females is the answer.

    @Kanji08: RE: your last sentence; I basically agree with you. As I've said in other posts, I don't hold Kotaku responsible for the social change that needs to happen. You're right in that my complaint is in their general coverage.

    @Brian Crecente: Seriously, I wasn't trying to start a one-sided debate and again I apologize if I've misjudged your or disrespected you. I wish there was a way to have an intelligent discussion about this without you accusing me of being a troll who does nothing to back up her words (your assumption, btw).

    @D-K: The content of games is one thing; posting stuff like interviews with porn stars who happen to game, though, has little relevance. As I've said in other posts, I in no way hold Kotaku responsible for ushering a change in the industry wherein the female perspective is more often considered.

    @Kanji08: It's still their decision to do things like post interviews with porn stars because they happen to game. That has nothing to do with the way games are marketed, and that sort of content is their full responsibility.

    @Brian Crecente: I've respectfully stated my opinion without calling names or making wild claims; I acknowledged that I could be mistaken in attributing those articles to you. And I apologized if that is the case. Is that so one sided? In fact, you've been kind of rude to me when I've done nothing of the sort to you.

    @BigBadHarv: I think gender neutrality would be better. It's entirely possible to report the news and items of interest without posting as if only straight dudes are in the room.

    @Hey_Blinkon: A few token articles doesn't exactly make for an environment where everyone's interests are considered equally, though I agree that they're entitled to post what they want.

    @JibbyJam: I understand that, but it contributes to the self fulfilling prophecy that video games are for males. When you dress it up in a package that attracts males, you...attract males.

    @Brian Crecente: I'm surprised you're going so far out of your way to defend yourself, here. You seem defensive. Are you implying you've never posted anything with the purpose of objectifying women? I'm more than willing to acknowledge that I could be wrong; that your name merely got attached to one of many articles

    @Brian Crecente: In fact, I'm thrilled you're speaking to me directly because I find you're often the culprit. Just so you know, a ton of your female readers find it irritating and alienating that you spend so much time catering to the heterosexual male appetite by posting items solely meant for the purpose of

    @Brian Crecente: Wasn't so much a comment on those articles as it was the content here in general. You prioritize the male sexual appetite quite often, and the thoughtful commentary usually doesn't come with it.

    @JibbyJam: The occasional article from Ms. Alexander doesn't exactly balance the litany of posts at Kotaku that are designed with the hetero male appetite in mind.

    @Eldritch: Same. I'm not amused that the Powers That Be decided this would be a fun experiment.

    Sex: as it relates to heterosexual males.

    @HRHPants: I still don't appreciate it coming from someone who has spent the better part of their day condescending the readers they're supposed to be "babysitting".

    Wait wait wait, so now we're having opposite day 'cause a dude's posting? Time to point out crazy wimminfolk?

    @ThistleFig: No shit, eh? I like it when people introduce themselves by condescendingly referring to me as a puppy in the rain if I don't agree with their approach.

    You know, the first time I ever saw a switch in the "all guys deserve hot chicks" dichotomy was on Days of Our Lives. I can't remember the particular character's name, but he was devastatingly handsome, and his wife was probably pushing 300 lbs. Sure, it may have seemed like they were using the "fat women are