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    @dimebagtwenty: If that was the response we were supposed to have to anything that was "supposed" to be inherently sexist, then nothing would ever change. And LostTurntable is right—Digg doesn't advertise itself as some kind of He Man Womun Haters club.

    @Hana Maru, with or without animals: I hate what that girl wrote because I see it so often on the video game sites I have to frequent for my job. It becomes "cooler" to shield your gender because identifying that you're female is seen as trying to get undeserved attention. Can you believe I've gotten ripped to shreds

    @ezebelj: Wow I don't even know where to begin. Way to make this about you! What you don't seem to "get" is that as a male, you're on top. You're the default, you're the majority, and most of society believes that only YOUR opinion counts. The comments and insults you endure will never have as much power as they do


    @Gilthwixt: Maybe even as a guy you realize it's inherently wrong to crucify a person for presenting themselves as a sexual object. Hell, I consider myself a feminist and people are surprised when I tell them I think all women, no matter their profession or sexual history, do not deserve degradation for being sexual.

    @SuperMary: Ha, ain't that right. The one we belong to. I stick to there when I'm sick of being called a feminazi because I think gender based video game advertisements are usually condescending.

    @Ipomoea: SO true. Take Wal-Mart as another example. Ever seen one inside true Seattle proper? Or BELLEVUE for that matter? Never gonna happen.

    @SomeTameGazelle: Which makes sense in the context of the story, as Seattle is the only city in the nation to have over 50% of the population with a bachelor's degree.

    I'm kinda sad I missed the post asking for sex stories. Mine can't top these, but once I got drunk and slept with a roommate and was horrified to discover, before penetration, that he was completely serious when he asked me to "punch his junk". He seriously needed me to physically harm his genitals to get them to

    @ #3

    @Gnatalby: N0 one said it did, but given that you enjoy the privilege of being a straight woman, is it too much to ask that you would "allow" us to have our philosophies, the aspects of our sexuality that we're proud of? It doesn't affect your life personally so I don't understand why you feel so persecuted by a

    @Gnatalby: Yes, but you use that gender as a filter for who you might be attracted to. We do not.

    @ericacartman: I know, he actually presented the only sane view on bisexuality...which they skimmed right over in favor of Carrie's snide criticism.

    @ericacartman: Agreed. As one uber annoyed bisexual I always took issue with the portrayal of bisexual people as greedy, confused, trend hopping narcissists. It was so childish. Someone tell me how a sex columnist could be so closed minded.

    I think I finally figured out my issue with the finale. While I like everything that happened in the end on the Island (as comical as a giant cork might be), the big purgatory reveal was so out of place in the context of the show. It was the answer to a show mystery, but one we'd only had for a single season. These

    Will there be Sunset Sarsparilla grenades and a subsequent Sunset Sarsparilla Chemist perk?