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    @riffleraffle: Agreed. And I can't believe how many people are openly stating "Oh now here the feminazis are going to get pissed!" Does anyone here even know a feminist, besides the lame depictions you see in pop culture that depict them as boner killing fatties with a chip on their shoulder? I'm a feminist, and I

    @dracosummoner: Neither did any of us do that for Fallout 3, where women are so often present that you can actually kill them quite frequently. I enjoy it. Men are the only ones who can do bad, kick ass, and risk their lives.

    @Leyviur: I'm a feminist, and I fully support this measure. Meet a feminist, remove head from sphincter, THEN speak!

    @SeattleTed: I'm a feminist, and I support this fully.

    @Sl0th: You should ask your fiancee why she thinks it's bad to sound "overly feminist". It's not bad to want women to be portrayed as capable as they are.

    @johnny_ultimate: Agreed. I'd really rather not be coddled. In fact, as far as physical violence goes, I'm a "pick on someone you're own size" type of gal (excluding cases of domestic violence of course).

    @Solid-Malice: Women's suffrage wasn't exactly about equal opportunities to be depicted getting maimed by a chain saw—but I support the ability to none the less.

    @TnOdyssey001: Whatever. I'm a feminist, and I support this fully. Cannot stand how socially sanctioned sexism is on this fucking site. Meet some real feminists, THEN speak!

    @yet i: Wow I know you're not me, but I know if I had a group of friends like that, I'd simply cut all ties. Erase every social networking tie, stop answering the phone calls, etc. It may seem passive aggressive but given the response they typically give you, it might be warranted!

    @LucilleMcGillicuddy: Same on both accounts. With all the negatively about this dress, I was almost afraid to admit it, but I think it looks cute. The glasses, too. Yeah, it's weak to jump on a trend but I still think it looks nice.

    Mildly off topic, but I laughed when I read "uglier Ione Skye", because Ione Skye is so dazzlingly beautiful, an uglier version of her would still be prettier than I could ever be. I hope you didn't take her petty attempt at disguising her personal feelings about you too seriously. And I find it funny that she didn't

    @AnnaBanana: I can see where you're coming from, but I don't think just because it's more acceptable to fat-bash means that they're the only ones being openly discriminated against. It's still so socially and widely acceptable to perpetuate nasty ideas about women and persecute them through limited access to

    @Smogdini: I think people of color and women are still widely openly discriminated against, as well as homosexuals. Just because it's more "socially acceptable" to bash fat people doesn't mean they're the last man standing of open discrimination.

    "The obese are the last openly discriminated-against group in our country."

    They're still sleazier than shit. Both marketing techniques are gender based pandering, one that manipulates our sentimentality (which is gross) and another that plays on stupid stereotypes (grosser still). Soulless a-holes.

    @The PIE Piper: I guess when you get down to it, no one really has the "right" to just up and email anyone...I guess...but generally, I don't think it's the worse thing in the world to assume you can email someone after you've had sex with them. I understand people needing to ask consent for a myriad of sexual

    "Should She Be Chainsawable?" Short answer: yes. Slightly longer answer: why are we even asking?