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    @Smogdini: I think people of color and women are still widely openly discriminated against, as well as homosexuals. Just because it's more "socially acceptable" to bash fat people doesn't mean they're the last man standing of open discrimination.

    "The obese are the last openly discriminated-against group in our country."

    They're still sleazier than shit. Both marketing techniques are gender based pandering, one that manipulates our sentimentality (which is gross) and another that plays on stupid stereotypes (grosser still). Soulless a-holes.

    @The PIE Piper: I guess when you get down to it, no one really has the "right" to just up and email anyone...I guess...but generally, I don't think it's the worse thing in the world to assume you can email someone after you've had sex with them. I understand people needing to ask consent for a myriad of sexual

    "Should She Be Chainsawable?" Short answer: yes. Slightly longer answer: why are we even asking?

    ""What happens next," asked the ever-composed silver fox. "It's going to be an 8-year-old that you put on stilts?" I guffawed.

    @The PIE Piper: That was after she'd already broken up with him, these emails are from before she'd done so.

    Entertainment Lawyer claims to have had a friend on set who saw the whole thing, and says it's true...but I never know how much to believe that guy...

    Also: looks like someone's a Jim Sterling fan.

    "It's a video game for the folks who aren't skilled enough to enjoy playing Modern Warfare 2 online or willing to invest the time needed to learn the intricacies of Final Fantasy XIII's so-called "battle system," yet want something a little more nuanced than casual titles like Wii Sports Resort or Rock Band 2."

    Not bad enough to shut up, apparently.

    @la.donna.pietra: I guess what I should have said is, people still disrespect women presenting themselves in a sexually appealing way, and that bias has led to the question of whether or not "attractive" women can be funny. Lucille Ball had conventionally attractive features, but she did not dress like a tart or a

    "I'm not sure that the freedom to "look like a Playboy centerfold" is actually a big step forward for women".

    As weird as the promotion is, I LOVE those colors. I would wear them in a heartbeat.

    @Ms.RantyPants: Could be! I know I'd be treading lightly if I was working for someone I didn't want to sleep with again!

    All this talk of whether or not Liz Lemon/Tina Fey are feminists...has everyone forgotten that the character of Liz self identifies as a feminist? Not sure about Tina, but I think it's pretty easy for both Liz and Tina to be considered feminists, regardless of their little pitfalls. We may have a no-body-snarking

    @DonnaPirana: lol funny how philosophy and programming share that thought process. When I'm presented with a certain set of conditions, that's where my mind always goes—to CSS!

    I agree with you Anna. He set her up in the emails to flirt with him a few times, and she obviously didn't take the bait, even though they were sleeping together. I think she wasn't as into it as much as he was. Aaaand it may have to do with those so called harmless office politics, she might have been afraid she'd