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    @Evie Havok: Well, I think a man saying he doesn't appreciate it that he's assumed to be a misogynist is a valid complaint, but I did not personally express a feeling of being oppressed. How I do feel is that white women duck out of these conversations out of fear and/or respect. I do try to understand before

    @Ulookinatmyjunk, JOC: I think you missed my point, but it was probably my fault. I meant that phrase in reference to the fact that we're never ever allowed to discuss how we feel about the issues, and aren't allowed to defend ourselves. I don't think the approach is to silence other people's experiences and pain. I

    @andonthatnotesays your discouragement = your problem: I knew when I said that, that someone would perk up with "Hey, that's how POC feel all the time!" Diminishing other people's feelings is not the right approach. I repeatedly am silent out of respect for POC when it comes to issues that I can't understand from

    @AppleBrownBettyWhite: Heh, well, it's ok, you giving me a pass doesn't mean it's okay with everyone. All i'm trying to say is, if we white women are quiet, at least some of us are doing it because we know we lack the experience and perspective relevant to the conversation.

    @thegogglesdonothing: I understand. And it's not like I'm harboring feelings that are controversial or mean or bigoted. I just feel even the positive things I have to say would not be received well.

    @Jessi Ramsey: No, I would like to feel that I can participate at all, which I don't feel I can. This isn't about me saying wrong and getting called out for it: it's about not feeling I can speak because I lack the perspective.

    @andonthatnotesays your discouragement = your problem: I just wish I knew how to participate in the discussion without being part of the problem. I don't think not talking about it is an answer. But somehow it's warped to the point where it's considered racist for a white person to even talk about it all. The only

    @Lynx: Studies show that marriage rates are declining because marriage is so detrimental to women. And this makes perfect sense to me.

    @BoysFlatBella (not Swan!): Bingo. Obviously, it may seem like I don't understand white privilege and marginalization, but it is because I do that I don't speak up and say something. I'm white, I could never understand, so why put my two cents in on a discussion that deep down I could never really "get"? I don't want

    @MsAvignon: Right, because again, white people aren't allowed an opinion on issues regarding POC, except when everyone gets mad at them for not talking about POC. And you know what? I do not care that you think I've turned this around into something about me—the issue is, white people don't know how to respond to POC

    @choppery: Actually, regarding the commenting, people DID actually say that, downthread. But, message received loud and clear: you're white, so STFU.

    @MsAvignon: When I'm repeatedly told that because I'm white that I'm a racist bitch and I'm not allowed to protest that detestable judgment of my character, when I have slurs repeatedly thrown at me but am not allowed to speak or be upset about it, when I'm made to feel personally responsible for many things that are

    @nata But that's what I'm saying, we're damned if we do, damned if we don't. When we don't try to speak for them, we're yelled at. When we do, we're yelled at. Many people in this thread are mad at WOC not being considered more often, but if the white writers here were to do that, it'd be considered offensive

    I don't get it. As white women, we're told we'll "never understand" and that it's futile and downright offensive to even try through our privilege colored glasses. Then, people get mad when we can't consider the WOC's perspective, when we've been directly told that we could never even begin to understand it so don't

    Also, given Steve Harvey's appropriation of the title "relationship expert", and his past as a cheater and divorcee, my bets are his next valuable lesson in relationships is: "Don't get mad when your man cheats. He can't help it. They're visual creatures. It's biological. Women don't work that way. Just accept what

    OF COURSE he's spouting this nonsense. If women start getting self esteem and realizing they don't have to lower their standards, how is Steve Harvey going to get laid? This is all about a status quo getting threatened, nothing more. He's pissed that men can no longer have what they don't deserve: a steadfast partner

    Hey Jim Carrey, make like a tree, and STFU.

    Bulgogi, beer, and beans (of the jelly variety). Gonna play Diablo II LOD with a bestie on headset in a few. Yes, this Friday night is shaping up okay.

    @katekatekateyeah: And the likeness is uncanny, if you ask me. I wondered why she looked familiar.

    So, I guess BowWow isn't a fan of tampon tea.