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    @Apollinarius: I also object to your idea in that you seem to be the type of person who argues that changes shouldn't be made to games in the favor of minorities, simply because "why should we have to change something major, for just a slim portion of people". Basically, it says, "But you don't understand! We're in

    @CrimsonVoid: A lot of sexist things are decidedly that malicious; it doesn't mean it didn't end up being used that way. I've known many a man who liked to use their porn addictions as a means of keeping their partner motivated to adhere to superficial standards of beauty.

    @Apollinarius: Your idea doesn't address the issue that while it's natural to want to have the urge to defend yourself in instances of violence, it's perfectly abhorrent to delight in torturing others for sexual gratification. In fact, I find torture for any sort of gratification to be disgusting, but like I've said

    Well, you see, it's just not fun for them if they're not using it to keep women in line by making them feel like worthless garbage for not looking like the girls in Playboy. If women like it, then they're obviously not threatened by it, and damnit, we just can't have that now can we!

    Just when I thought she couldn't get any classier, she pulls the "people who matter" card.

    She's barely changed! But examining her eyebrows, I realize that in recent years we have become a nation too obsessed with waxing our eyebrows. Hers are the most natural I've seen in awhile.

    @Kivrin: Even then, I think there's a huge difference. I think doing harm for the purposes of sexual gratification takes sickness into new stratospheres, for one. And honestly, people do freak out about "murder simulators"—the video game industry is under fire for that constantly. There is also the difference that

    Wait, Slash could enunciate "vehemently"?

    I couldn't fit in a tagline on this image but if I could, it'd say "She thinks with her head. He thinks with his dick. Let the hijinks ensue!"

    You should have seen the hell I took on Kotaku for *daring* to suggest this game could be harmful. Hello, are people not products of their environment? Even when repeatedly confronted with the reminder that RapeLay actually features the violent rape not only of women but underage girls (CHILDREN), they continue to

    @Lynx: Why does it matter if she had blond hair? My sister just spent six months in Japan, and told me of often being followed home from a train ride, or random old men taking pictures of her in the station. She doesn't have blond hair.

    @callmecate: Thanks for the tip! And boy did you call it on the laptops, yeesh.

    Hm, I'm thinking that leg is missing it's shadow from over airbrushing. It lacks in skin tone, making the whole thing look just freaky.

    @scullymurphy: Agreed. And while I do think five dollars or "pounds" is ridiculous for regular cupcakes, like those maybe pictured above, the ones I buy are usually some fantastic gourmet flavor I could never dream up. My favorite so far has been a chocolate cupcake with caramel frosting, and salt sprinkles. It was

    @Marsgaret: You should try frosting on graham crackers, with sprinkles. It's awesome. It was always my version of a real frosting sandwich, when two crackers were used.

    ...the fuck? Who cares if women are cooing over cupcakes in bakeries, seriously, find better things to complain about.


    @mikeer990: Where do you do that? I will gladly nominate a deserving comment.