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    @Jadis4742: I have every intention of ;)

    @Hexapus: OMG I need to do that to him now.

    There is nothing that pleases my boyfriend more than the sound of his own farts. He even cheers when one of them scares the cat. If he woke up because of his own fart, it'd be the best day of his life.

    @N-Robes: Hey, that's not a bad thing to point out. I know a lot of people who do that very thing. I know only one girl that downloads pirated stuff, whereas I know at least ten guys that do.

    How about "Afternoon Nap Mama"? Bitch has got to be tired by now.

    That French gym sounds like my kind of place.

    I heard another version of this statistic that basically said women are the majority movie goers now because men are too absorbed in video games: [www.geeksugar.com]

    @Rooo sez BISH PLZ: I finally tried it the other night. I have to say, NOT BAD! I thought the taste would be overpowering and too "carroty" but it wasn't.

    A part of me is fascinated and wants to wear them, just to see what happens.

    The apology from the British police is probably the most sincere sounding I've ever heard in law enforcement fuck ups.

    Wow, Feldman. Respect.

    @Hortense: I think a lot of the kids who end up like Corey had parents who weren't thinking "Hey, it's a good idea to put my kid in a movie!" so much as "Hey, its a good idea to put my kid in a movie so I can live off their earnings!" The kids who put up with the latter, it's no wonder they don't make it. There are

    She reminds me of that one little girl, the brunette three year old, who was all "I don't cry! I love this! I love performing!" She was pretty kick ass, too!

    @sincbt3: It doesn't matter what I find strange, it's what's generally rude and inappropriate. If someone hasn't given you any sign whatsoever that they are interested in sexually interacting with you, then don't go there.

    @CassandraSays: What I don't understand is how there's this huge confusion surrounding when it is or isn't okay to approach someone sexually. Try making eye contact first. What happened? Go from there. See, I can do it. Being socially awkward is one thing, flat out approaching someone with a fetish without having

    @AppleBrownBettyWhite: You know, I'm not completely up to brush on my Approaching People Sexually 101, but I'm pretty sure that discussing constipation is not an open invitation for people to approach the writer sexually.

    @yvanehtnioj: Oh god that got a good guffaw out of me.

    @sincbt3: OK you guys are right, I'm the asshole for assuming people had the right to not be approached sexually when they've given no indication that they're open to it. Fuck me!