Thank you, I was super confused at that. Watched the video trying to figure out if they really had also added GT content, but now I get it that it was just a mistake in the article.
vegeta will become super sand
You’re right and the author made a mistake. Don’t even pay attention to the people clowning you for it as the authors sometimes do go back and edit their mistakes because someone alerted them to it.
It’s cool that you can get an idea of what Nightmare’s identity is in each game is based on his design. He’s way less human in IV because he is in fact just a suit of armor and not actually Seigfried anymore. They humanized him again in V because he was now a different human, older and more dignified. And now in VI he…
I will miss the Dr. Respect memes
Dude is entertaining. Glad he’s getting his real life shit sorted out and hopefully him and his wife work out their issues.
Never tell me the odds.
I just feel bad for all his patients who have to wait for him to get back to practicing medicine.
His mistress
You can be excited about and love an industry whilst still admitting it has problems and hoping for change, you know?
I used to work for a F2P gaming company. You should absolutely put the blame on them. They do everything they can to maximize value from the whales and do as little as possible to provide good/free content for everyone else.
Yeah, but can you imagine how crazy that stream is going to be?
Dear god whoever is going on that stream tomorrow is going up against a firing squad.
We’ve got top men working on men.
Reminds me of a similar situation with the prog metal band Wintersun, who whined for a decade about not being able to produce their grand vision because their label wouldn’t give them the money to build a ridiculously lavish private studio.
If you really want the “Heather isn’t fucking around version,” here it is:
Loot boxes are, ignoring the hair splitting of insufferable pedants like yourself, gambling. They are crafted, from probabilities to visual to their contents, to condition individuals and encourage repeated purchase and use. People with…