
That full auto .22 AR was a great surprise. Awesome. I prefer using the slide catch for handguns myself, but my favorite shooting partner manually manipulates the slide as well, and he is faster than I am. I am happy to see this thread absent of people bashing the weapons or the form because it is not in their

A standing military is an absolutely necessary structure in any nation. The very few without militaries are deeply tied economically to nations who do have militaries which will fulfill their need for protection if the time comes. Regardless of your political theory the fact stands that the global system is anarchic,

Thank you for the response!

I volunteered for mine. Its my profession. I quite enjoy my life and my decision. Easily the best I ever made.

This makes sense. I get that.

You know I am usually a lot more understanding and mature in my responses but all I can read from you post is the first three lines, after that the only text I can make out is :


So you saw it? Any more details on what disappointed you? I am contemplating going to see it but I am impatient for any kind of review!

Never underestimate the power of Peggle

Amen. He may be a bit....nutty....but I like his movies!

It was literally do or die for him? Enlisting meant death for him? Weak.

In America, few participate in the political process in the first place. For something to be collectively decided it typically must be something pretty dire. I like to think of the Prohibition era when I think of the possible run of gun ownership. Alcohol was made illegal and as a result, few even followed the law,

I wouldn't say that any class on the socioeconomic ladder is better or that any culture or ethnicity is better than the other, but the proximity of them all seems to be leading to crime. I would say the convenience of being able to find a victim with such ease coupled with the high payoff and chance of getting away

Then what was the point of your hypotheticals?

DOOM. The best game of all time for me. I used to go to the CompUSA which was the only place with internet (or computers really for that matter) in my city just to play hours upon hours and revel in it. I even bought the book and thought it was the greatest piece of literature I had ever read. Of course, in hindsight,

You are correct when you say you have to right to have an opinion on the matter. That is something that irks me when people argue against gun-control. I am an advocate of gun rights, but I know that everyone has the right to say as they wish. It is the responsibility of others to inform and present their side of the

I was born and grew up in a European country, which I will not name, and it was very different compared to America. You see, in the United States, you will have often times in high population center, like large cities (Atlanta is where I live now) an extreme variety of people in terms of culture, ethnicity, and most

I agree that the logic is faulty, however I think you are applying false labels to people with competing ideas to your own. Members of the NRA are not fanatics nor are they rednecks.

Couldn't you correlate that to incidents of gun-violence instead of homicide rating?

You don't live in the inner city do you....
I think the scariest day of my life, despite having been in actual combat, was the day my fiancee told me that on her way to take out the trash 4 men tried to get her into their car. She got away, by the grace of God and by her own understanding to simply run immediately, and

If there is a low amount of guns, there will be low amounts of gun related violence. Isn't that just mathematics? Of course, we have the rest of the forum launching their preemptive strikes against anyone coming in to defend gun ownership in other countries around the world, and making of course a mockery of the whole