
I disagree with you on this. We use whatever weapons we can use as long as they are not permanently detrimental to a battle space we may use in the future. This is why nuclear weapons are essentially a complete no go. Warfare is not just killing people and leaving the battlespace. It is about taking territory and

When has a comment gone too far? What requites a comment or a discussion to be deleted?

OK, I see your point. I don't completely agree with it, but yes this is a privately run website, they do what they please, and I quite like this place. Peace.

Son, a soldier never chooses his battlefield. He fights where the people tell him to go. Those decisions belong to you. But when it comes to topics of discussion, I will damn well discuss what I wish to.

Some of them weren't libelous though. Perhaps a little derogatory, but I hold people who believe that we as U.S. Soldiers must be the end all recipients of respect by what seems to be everybody only slightly above the same people who bash the crap out of us. Its what they think; I can understand a few of the

Didn't there used to be a bunch of comments here that were anti-U.S.? Why are they gone? I'm a U.S. soldier and this censorship bothers me, even if they were a bunch of grass-eating hippies...

That's easy. We give them the sweet release of death.

True enough. I can't really argue against that.

You are correct in that it does alot. I really does alot. I can't disagree with you on that. If you think it should be restricted to military, I won't argue against you on that either, thats a valid viewpoint even though I don't agree with it. However, I think I might be misinterpreting the last part of your post, but

No, and I think you may be overestimating the system. What happens is (well...ok, as far as the last iteration I have seen), you yourself place your intended target within the system, a single point, then you put the weapon on a setting in which the moment your rifle is in alignment with that point, it fires. You

You can train soldiers to hit steel targets at 300m with iron sights with the M16 (A2 is what I was originally trained on). You can compete at longer distances and score hits with iron sights as well. Many have hit a steel target at 600m with iron sights before, it IS possible (and not that unbelievable). Training on

This system may very well be a key feature in the weapons our military uses in the future. However, nothing will ever replace the importance or efficiency of a well trained shooter on your standard iron sights. It instills the mechanics of natural aiming and proper body positioning, which are crucial for quick follow

Preach it! Socrates NEVER had a job in his entire life, and as we all know, his advice should NEVER be taken to heart!



If we go by the logic that sprites don't have feelings, being that they are not alive, than rape/torture/sodomy/child-killing, really ANYTHING should not adversely affect us when we perform it in a virtual setting.
I just don't agree with that logic.

We have been glorifying warfare for a long time, especially through video games. The ultimate act for one human to do to another is to kill them. While it may be easier to stomach for some than torture, it still takes away life. Our video games are filled with that, to the brim. Taking life. And I would say that

Torture happens. Rape happens. Suicide happens. It is not the prerogative of a game to suggest that these things must occur, rather that they do in fact occur in our world, and have been occurring in our world for ages. These things happen and they have profound affects on the people they happen to, and those who love

There are a lot of things and situations in life where forgiveness just doesn't apply. Some stuff you do brings bad juju on you for the rest of your days. This is not one of them. It is not within the realm of possibility for the gaming public in general, but perhaps a few of us out there may be able to raise

Maybe I did not interpret this correctly but didn't Schafer allude to the fact that if he made a game as financially successful as a AAA knockout blockbuster like "Dishonored" he would indeed make a sequel? I think one of the points he was trying to push across was that his studio's games aren't quite lucrative enough