I have them on my R and my mom has them on her Xc70, they actually work quite well. They're also part of the heated seat/headlight sprayer option (both are exceedingly useful) so at least for Volvo I'd disagree.

Love your garage and your car.

Volvo S60R. 4.2K for the car. 6K for a bigger turbo/downpipe/exhaust/tune. Will make 450HP on stock internals. Add a few thousand more for a sleeved block and forged internals and you can really go buck wild.

Both are beautiful cars. And I think it's a testament to the 911 that it can still hold its own against its successor 40 years later. The 911 is the most iconic, unwaveringly beautiful, and constantly refined sport car ever. It does it all. I wonder what the power to weight ratio difference is between the 2 cars. The

I don't even know what to say. This is just insane.

Better have a stick and a rather large dog included.

I wish this wasn't true. However I think it is inaccurate to state that it is swapping the computers/sensor payload that is adding weight. It is mission creep. The plane was designed for X and Y. Now 10 years later we want Z from the same airframe. Therefore we need N more whatever to achieve that goal and that weighs

College or Cobra... Coblege or Cobra... Cobrege or Cobra... Cobrage or Cobra... Cobra or Cobra.

While I think it's a serious misstep to not include a designator, video downlink and whatever else is (WTF Lockheed! the freakin' super weight/space/power limited Moon missions had a video downlink from the moon!) SOP at this point I don't think integration issues or space constraints matter. Technology is getting

Russian dashcam footage is best dashcam footage. This video is just another in a long line of proofs for this assertion.

Currently my R has 279,600 miles and counting on a high performance turbocharged Volvo 5 cylinder. It's the original engine.

Looked at an Allroad/S4 wagon... decided against it for the leaky turbos and air suspension (I come from Range Rovers... I know air suspension and how annoying it is to troubleshoot/get out of limp home mode).

Hnnnnngggg Do want 5 cylinder AWD wagon.

Hummer H1! Tons of space for batteries plus the irony factor.

Most of that weight is due to occupant safety...

Volvo V70R:

Easy! Volvo V70R! It's a 3800lb 300hp sportwagon?

I know what fast is, I fly (admittedly slow) airplanes the fastest I have gone is 194.7 knots (yay tailwinds!). However it's a lot harder to hit the sky. And even given that fact it's easy to get behind the plane when there's weather/traffic/unexpected routing... When I bought a V70R I was expecting a V70 with a bit

To think just 44 short years after the Wright Brothers took the first tentative steps into the heavens we were mass producing aircraft that could touch the speed of sound. The unrelenting march of technological progress is astonishing.

No, I'm saying the performance of the aircraft with one engine out is not half. It loses more than half of its performance when an engine fails because of the drag of the dead engine/yaw. For example: If you can climb at 4000FPM with 2 engines you are not climbing at 2000FPM with one engine. Same thing happens to the