Your bus love not withstanding I didn’t like either . Shang’s looked silly and put me to sleep . Nobody’s while good lacked justification .
Your bus love not withstanding I didn’t like either . Shang’s looked silly and put me to sleep . Nobody’s while good lacked justification .
Was going to say the same thing.
It was pretty directly implied in Michael’s big come together speech there, about Bajor and Cardassia overcoming their differences, but hasn’t been brought up otherwise.
She knows EVERYTHING !
Disco is Star Trek without logic.
would Michael even know what a Cardassian is?
Seriously, I thought it was gonna be Bernadette Peters or something, not the female version of Stephen Tobolowsky.
“Whatever Larry’s actually feeling for Irma, it’s meant to be ambiguous.“
Anyone old enough to remember their slogans “have it your way” and “special orders don’t upset us”?
Baldwin has never fundamentally understood that 90% of PR is just knowing when to shut your hole.
You all will post a retraction of these allegations once the video of her acting a damn fool eventually drops right? Black women seem to be having a whole lot of problems at airports lately...
It’s not always about race, people.
According to Dutch news outlets, she presented the wrong documents to the border officer. When asked for the correct ones, she blew up and started to accuse the officer of racial profiling. Apparently she was very loud and drunk which led to her arrest for disturbing the public order.
Wonder if this has more to do with newly famous behaving like a privileged twit brought up short by somebody who has no farkin’ clue who she is and wouldn’t give a damn even if they did. Can’t wait for the security/cell phone footage.
Going to the airport real drunk is never a good decision. And being loud with airport staff doesn’t even work for white people these days so, maybe stop tweeting and sober up.
Agents of SHIELD below Falcon and the Winter Soldier is some fucking nonsense I'm sorry