
How did she aid and abet this "crime"?

they had a warrant to look through his phone and they didn’t find any racist ties, you just want a ghost to jump at and you’re spreading misinformation.

On this date 58 years ago, a President was assassinated.

Free and innocent Kyle!!!

Um, you know the guys he shot were white, right? 

Why? If you had paid any attention to the trial it was obvious he was going to be found not guilty.

I get that people are upset, but this is unacceptable hyperbole and dishonesty by Ruffin, and only helps fan the flames. Blaming the jury for following the law is appalling.

The victims are Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, two white men who were at a rally to protest the shooting of Jacob Blake”

He was found not guilty because the evidence proved it. The prosecution’s own witness proved it. Criminals should be more afraid of us than us of them.

I haven’t started watching this show yet but that is some of the worst costume work I’ve seen in a long time. It looks like an SNL skit up there. 

Captain Poochie to the bridge!

After reading the comments, I believe that I’m out of touch or just not into this show anymore. There’s no connection to reality and the characters are acting in ways that go against logic or their “characters” to get to a “meh” punchline at the end of the episode.

My problem with the Sopranos movie, which other commenters here have said in various (and better) ways than I’m about to, is that it’s completely all over the place. If I dared you to describe the plot in three sentences, you couldn’t.

Many Saints of Newark has too much story for a movie should have been a series . The new old characters especially the uncle should have been the focus . Killing the Uncle off felt like a series ending not a film one .

I’m thinking it’s more that’s he’s into dick than actually being one, if I’m reading between the lines of that trailer correctly.

“Look she wasn't dangerously negligent she was just grossly incompetent! Big difference! I am a good lawyer."

I don’t buy this story for a second, but even if I did, “My client isn’t negligent, she just left real guns unattended for two hours and didn’t check them before they were used” may not be slam dunk defence the lawyers think.

We need another Sam Axe adventure.

He was so good in Fargo season 2, shame he hasn't become this big name actor because I feel he has the talent for it.