Want part 3
Want part 3
Just charge him already
So what did he say ?
Is this how you hid the tree of life egg for 40 years???
The show’s shelf life is up anyway
Fuck Ben Afflack , he deserves what J-Hoe will do to him 8 months to a year she will dump his azz.
That is hilarious! Well done!!!!
Steaming pile of crap describes it best.
Whole thing is a Tragedy.
He needs the jail time to show the next moron he will get jail too. Comparing this to other crimes is beyond foolish ,this idiot got a good part of the country up in arms over his lies .
You first
This is a terrible show ....unreal how bad .
Guilty everyone knows it even the prima-donna who thinks he is the smartest person in the Trial . Hope he gets a massive fine ,a few years Community Service ,and at least 3 months in jail
The show is a shadow of its former self
To be fair Arizona State is a joke , and he will be able to buy it in a few months!
Do the innocent who use their right of self defense need this no .