
I didn’t do it, the gun did !

So there is a full bar on Disco now with fireplace and Morn in the corner ?

Guns don’t fire themselves .

Uncle ?

Brooklyn 99 was great till it drank the Woke cool ade ,which destroyed it

Seems like a clear case of Alcohol fueled ....

Show is definitely off its game, surprised after all the wrestling Larry wasn’t having sex with the chauffeur

Too Predictable that the son is just like Dexter, still hoping he is wrong and the kid isn’t a killer in training..

At least Tilly is going to the Doctor to deal with her BIG ISSUES

It was a totally different situation then Rittenhouse.

But he did not ,even when he should have 

Retire with the millions he will make from cnn,msnbc,and zombie joe .

Its amazing how insane people are .

The Rittnehouse case is proof that the animals sometime attack the wrong Prey .  Sorry not at all upset about a dead child rapist 

You need toget over your BS he killed a Child rapist and a wife beater .

Nope .

He was innocent from day one by the video 

She might as well get used to it ,Zombie Joe is going to leave for medical reasons ,only reason he at 79 needed the colonopisy is because he has lost control of that region of the body 

Yup ...a blind person can see it 

So Dilitium is now a fossil fuel they need to get off .
The Captain leaves during a red alert ? And put no one in Command ?
Tilly ? What th e   happened ...?