
I never understand this argument. Are we NOT supposed to be watching the tshow that you are on? Are we supposed to be working on a holiday? Is the implication that he wears something other than sweats while hanging around his house? Who are we supposed to be watching TV with at 10:30am? None of his arguments are

Nobody is scarier than a team that barely beats bad teams? A team that is 25th in the league in yards/gm and 28th in pass yds/gm vs a weak schedule? Come on, they’ll be watching the AFC Championships from their couch. SCARY!

As anyone ever drawn a star that DOESN’T have five points?

Not a Dr Katz, Professional Therapist fan I see.

The beautiful thing about having a birthday 3-4 weeks away from xmas is that there’s always the possibility of “I don’t know what to get you once let alone twice so I just bought you this too-nice thing and it’s for both”. This year I got a new couch AND a new fridge!

Barratry is good, but I much prefer Master of Pluplets.

I love chicken fries. Two great tastes that taste great together! I even like the BK chicken fries. So when they came out with the buffalo chicken fries, I gave them a try and holy shit are they hot garbage. They taste like the regular chicken fries with a handful of jalepeno seasoning rubbed in. But it didn’t have

Yeah for the past couple of years you could go through a convoluted process where you show that you can’t get DTV and they’d let you buy it but this season they did away with that and just started offering it as a stand alone streaming option. I’d assume they’d continue offering it in future years.

You can already do that. It’s like $200 for the season subscription without DirectTV and you can watch on your computer or stream through a video game device, just like Netflix/Hulu.

See, here’s my problem. I don’t WANT to wear shoes inside a house. Don’t like it. It’s uncomfortable. So when I go to someone’s house and they don’t ask me to take off my shoes...what do I do? Take them off anyway? Ask?


So you didn’t read the first sentence I wrote? Or you read it and didn’t understand it? I respect the fact that you googled a rule in the MLB rulebook and really REALLY were eager to paste it as a retort, but it doesn’t make sense here since I agreed with you that what he did was against the rules.

If that is your viewpoint, that’s prefectly valid BUT you also must be of the mindset that all steroid users must have a lifetime ban as well. Everything you said about gambling could be applied to them. They are doing something that provides a short term benefit with potential long term negative ramifications and

People aren’t arguing that he didn’t break the rules as they stand (stood?), they are arguing that the rules he broke didn’t impact his play on the field and that the punishment doesn’t fit the crime. And it makes sense. As long as he didn’t bet against his team, you can reasonably say that nothing that he did

Well, he said “every week it seems like Hurns outperforms Robinson in fantasy football” so I’d assume he’s referring to the week-by-week FF stats. Assuming a std ppr scoring format:

Well of course. He’s an idiot. My only point was that people shouldn’t be surprized when high ranking business people make business decisions that make them look like hypocrites. I’m certainly not excusing or trying to lessen any of the bad things he’s said/done, I’m just pointing out that this is a very obvious move

...yes of course. Are you new? The people who don’t agree with him won’t give a shit because they like the UFC. What’s Goodell’s political affiliation? Nobody knows because nobody cares! And now he’s a sympathetic figure to someone who has a ton of money and a ton of property. Including a casino. Where he may be

It’s almost like he’s a businessman who makes financially-motivated decisions.

So...Aldo’s going to destroy him tomorrow, right? Because the line is even and it seems like everyone who knows what they are talking about heavily favors Aldo. Seems like an easy bet.

Contact your local non emergency number (or 911 if necessary) and explain your situation to them. They will radio the car pulling you over and explain what’s happening to them. This is also useful if you are being pulled over by an unmarked vehicle and want to confirm that it is, in fact, law enforcement.