
Buying a house has it's own seasonal problems. My uncle bought his in Jan (Michigan) and found out in the summer that the AC actually didn't work. Very expensive. I bought mine in August and found out the heater didn't work in October. That one wasn't too expensive though.

Here is an easier way to decide when to upgrade. Just wait 31 days after I get a new phone, then there will be a shitload of new phones and they will all be better than mine so every one will be a safe bet.

Sounds like a typical vaporware conman. You guys might actually save some vulture capitalists from losing their money to this guy.

A girl I knew left her phone on the armrest of her chair at a ball game when she went to get a drink. When she came back it was gone. A couple of days later she left her new camera on a table at a club while she want to dance. When she cam back it was gone. I told her they weren't stolen, she gave them away. If

If Samsung doesn't get on the ball I will never purchase one of their phones.

And if your music library is HUGE you will pay out the ass for the drop box account right? Some people might need multiple dropbox accounts.

@buckleyneko: Work computer = work property I would guess.

@iwishiwasjeff: HA! my wife was watching this last night on TV and they had SJ re0dub that to"

This would be the only reason I would sign up for facebook.

"that there was something off about the grenade he'd just triggered"

"in Ferrari colors", I always thought of orange as more of a Lambo color.

Were both cars right hand drive, or am I really that hung over?

@Bluesroo: DAMNIT! Now I AM that guy!

Imagine if those idiots could get together to do something usefull.

@Bluesroo: I think that he was stealing some on the snow on its roof.

SO he was smart enough to do this, but not smart enough so that it wasn't tracked back to him?

That Mark Zuckerberg is a cold bastasd, first he kills myspace, and now he is out for the toddlers. They never should have called him the child CEO.... he always kills any competition.

AND YOUR CANCER! I am officaly starting the urban legend that inductive charging causes cancer, starts gas station fires and increase the divorce rate.

Welcome to five fucking years ago. It was over $.05 at one point wasn't it, they had plans to scrap it.