Yeah, when ever you go to see a car you might buy, gushing on and on about how much you have to have THAT car.... not the best way to start negotiations.
Yeah, when ever you go to see a car you might buy, gushing on and on about how much you have to have THAT car.... not the best way to start negotiations.
@KAdams1476: Well you can pronounce tomatoe and potato anyway you like. But John North Willys pronounceed Willys Will-iss, as in "What cho talkin' bout!"
I was wondering how stupid you would have to be to do this from your own PC... then I looked at his mug shot.
I would say that he didn't like badvertising... but then I saw his picture and knew that couldn't be his reason for killing his twitter page.
@SigmundTheSeaMonster: Not too mention that the auction ran for 7 days! They had time to fix this, they just assumed that they would make out better, they didn't... now they don't want to honor the deal. I listed a camera with extras once and it sold for less than half what I expected from my research on ebay. I…
When will they learn black cars don't photo well. #mustang