
Wasn’t Gina Rodriguez too into soup? Seems like a dealbreaker to me. She should get back together with Pimento though; they were perfect for each other.

The big change was ridiculous enough that I didn’t look for fansubs, but I’m willing to give it a shot now that it’s on Netflix and hopefully it'll still be a good time

A Dowd D+ is probably like a C from anybody else.

Some of the complaints came from disappointment that they didn’t use Akira Toriyama’s designs and that they didn’t adapt every part of the game (which would have been impossible). Without going into spoilers though: oh boy they made some choices

Vaan and Penelo are R2-D2 and C-3PO, following around Han, a Leia/Luke hybrid, and an Obi Wan who doesn't die. It's a weird dynamic

I enjoyed the 3rd one as a more standard slasher, and the first remake is okay. Everything else has been a complete shitshow (including the 2nd one, which I didn’t like), but I’m willing to give an Alvarez remake a chance.

The next time BoJack and Diane will be in the same room will be at BoJack's funeral.

You and I are very similar. I think it dropped in quality starting from the season 2 finale, and that the last two seasons were kinda bad, but in the end I really liked this finale.

Felicity from the old universe went to the afterlife/pocket dimension/whatever before the Crisis happened, which means that in theory new universe Felicity is still around, although probably isn’t for simplicity’s sake.

It’s finally happened: I care about what's happening in the Chibnall-era

She can't predate the First Doctor because her TARDIS is already a police box. I'm thinking maybe a secret previously unseen regeneration from between 1 and 2

It all started plummeting downhill in the season 2 finale. I think this last run of season 4 episodes are notable improvement over the 2019 episodes but that’s not saying much. The problems with the show are more or less built into the foundation though, because you can’t keep rebooting and resetting without

I was really excited to see this, but I don't think it has a Canadian distributor so that's weird

I only use them to jump, or occasionally to add in items for story reasons (last time I imported into BG2 I cheated in what I had decided was my character's signature sword). Oh, and some times I kill Drizzt. 

I think her deal is that their cast is way too big and unwieldy (12 main cast members, plus a Gary is a way too much) and they had her sit an episode out.

Every creative decision here was baffling to me. “Future Arrow: The Series” doesn’t need all this parallel earth baggage and time displaced Dinnah, just build on the pre-existing Future Arrow infrastructure.

I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if this is just them re-re-re-launching X. The story of Union X is starting to wrap up.

Everybody kept being told “go to pope school, that’s where all the jobs are” and now the market is saturated.

It Takes You Away is maybe my most disliked episode in all of Doctor Who. It's a bunch of barely connected nonsense that flails around pointlessly until it's finished its runtime.

It’s surprisingly not