I still really hate that they put Batwoman on Earth-1. I feel like Batman being real and active for 20 years really undercuts Ollie's position as the first hero of the Arrowverse. They really should have put her on Supergirl's Earth.
I still really hate that they put Batwoman on Earth-1. I feel like Batman being real and active for 20 years really undercuts Ollie's position as the first hero of the Arrowverse. They really should have put her on Supergirl's Earth.
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I loved Trampled by Turtles’s cover of Rebellion (Lies)
I really wish they would have had Grant Morrison on at some point to speak unintelligible Glaswegian as McCulloch
Arrow has some of the best fight choreography on TV, and I hope the other Arrowverse shows inherit their fight team (although they’ll probably just go to Green Arrow and the Canaries).
On the topic of horror movies, this list is a victory for the people who loved It Follows and hated The Babadook over the people who loved The Babadook and hated It Follows.It is really weird that it’s not on this list though. The greater horror movie oversight in my mind though is the lack of Midsommar, which was my…
The issue episodes have got to go. Last year’s feminism/me too episode was pretty bad and accidently highlighted that only a quarter of the main cast is women.
I think Cornelius was the worst example of this. In the later comics it felt like Onstad was just running his dialogue through an auto-thesaurus.
The very idea that 30 Rock, Parks & Rec, or the Good Place after better sitcoms then Community sickens me
That eventually got resolved. The final hiatus came just as Ray found the perfect strain of weed for Roast Beef, which is clearly a much bigger cliffhanger
I think your canteen also converts water into Monster, so the people of the future seem pretty into it as a whole
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I don't know, losing your thumbs is really going to limit your murder options
I have to assume they're jettisoning all the other future characters though, just based on what we've heard about it.
It’s real weird that they set things up for an Arrow Beyond type of deal, creating a setting and supporting cast for a show that would follow on from the flash forwards, and then were like “what if instead not that?”
The ghosts follow the same rules as in Murder House, so it doesn't seem that fuzzy to me.
I think he would have worked really well here as an ongoing villain. Alice is an agent of chaos and Hush is a planner, giving Kate two different kinds of threats to deal with.
11 year old me and my friends had all kinds of rituals and observances that needed to be completed before and during stat rolls, so maybe you should have done that. (And then if you didn’t like the results, oops I accidently ate the sheet)
I have similar childhood memories about the DuckTales theme, but for me it was "we'll solve a mystery / and we like history"