
Buffy and Angel continued to have crossovers after Buffy changed networks.

I do get it, but the real crime is how much housing has been converted into this torture park. People could have lived in those houses! Basically it just ended up feeling silly for me.

My general feeling is that Black Mirror has a pretty consistent 1:2 ratio of good to bad episodes. The good episodes are The Entire History of You, Be Right Back, Nosedive, San Junipero, USS Callister, and Crocodile.

My problem with White Bear, and with the twist at the end of White Christmas, is that punishments don’t make sense. The woman is getting tortured forever for killing a kid, but people kill kids all the time, do they all get torture theme parks? Why was it about this case that made the public decide to create a torture

Crocodile is one my favourite episodes, certainly betters than Playtest, Hang the DJ, and The National Anthem.

Okay, then I want that but good.

Bring back Keaton as old Bruce Wayne and you've got a stew going

I found Year One boring as shit so I really hope it’s not a straight-up adaptation. What I’d like to see is something a year or two later into Batman’s career, maybe taking a page out of Long Halloween's book and showing the shift of power in Gotham from the mob to the super-villains.

It’s pretty much impossible to lose money on a horror movie.

Somebody needs to give Vangie a show of her own, and the sooner the better.

Super happy to see Yvie win. Less happy about watching an hour of filler to get to it, but what are you gonna do?

no, I double checked and they are

Well if the crisis gets rid of the multiverse maybe real Wells and Harry will get collapsed into the same person

And couldn't stop calling Brooke shady for playing the game.

Booke’s critiques were not reflective of her actually performance, so yeah entirely for the drama.

It’s all good.

They actually did. On day 1 JJ told the staff that at the centre of the island was a magic cave where good and evil fought. They still had to get there, but the idea that a show needs every single plot point I'm advance is bizarre.

They said that because the network thought normal audiences wouldn't accept a genre show, so they had to fib a little.

They explained everything important, but they didn’t explain every little weird detail because that’s bad storytelling. Did a bird say Hurley’s name? Maybe it did, maybe it didn’t, but it had no significance to the plot, it was just a weird thing that happened on a weird island.

If they had done more episodes in season 4 they would have done fewer in one of the other seasons. They agreed on x number of episodes to finish the show, but had to adapt to the strike