
Iron Man 3 seems to be a real love it or hate it movie. I think it's one of the better entries (although not top 3 or anything) but I know people who think it's one of the worst.

I remembered really liking the first Thor the first bunch of times I watched it, but I found it pretty mediocre when I rewatched it last month. It’s not awful by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s kinda weirdly paced and lower stakes than a movie about a god should be.

It’s pretty on brand for Tony to destroy all the suits, and then immediately turn around and build the Iron Legion though. 

Everybody knows it’s bad form to attack a guy mid-transformation. Otherwise Kamen Riders would be screwed.

And the Sailor Moon gundam is weirdly Sweden’s entry.

Iron Man 2 is, of course, very bad, but I still think the Iron Man briefcase is one of the cooler moments in the franchise. Later movies got way over the top with Iron Man’s armour, with them automatically latching onto him or shooting out of a satellite, but the briefcase suit is a far more interesting emergency suit

I was trying to find the YTV promo for Endless Waltz, but alas it looks like it has been lost to time. “Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz, packed wall to wall with endless Walts. There’s Walt, Walter, and even old man Wally.”

He looks like he’s a really good cuddler

I’ll admit there’s a few too many nods to the tv show, but I’m willing to cut them some slack on that, just given that super hero movies were still figuring out what they were.

I think it's a much better movie than it gets credit for. It's like a B?

I remember hearing that Norton wanted more story control than Marvel wanted to give him.

For a guy who says he's "always angry" he never really seems that mad.

I cannot stand Scarlet, but she absolutely did not deserve to go home. I thought both lipsyncs were about equal, but an unspectacular third lipsync is a lot worse than an unspectacular first lipsync.

The only thing his arrival at Wakanda was missing was The Immigrant Song

Make that three so you can choose best girl Debora.

Ray and Nora can be the token straight couple.

This show is queer as hell already (three bisexuals, three characters I'd argue have strong bisexual energy, and a lesbian) so I don’t feel like it can really be accused of queerbaiting.

I hope they do break up to be honest. Ava isn’t an especially interesting character, but more importantly I really want to Legends to leave the Bureau, which is unlikely to happen while they're together.

“You were at my wedding” was not an epic clapback, it was a sad realization by Megan McCain that nobody likes her.

Oh yeah, when I say stupid I mean that as a compliment. Every decision that went into that movie is baffling, but the whole is a glorious mess