
They’ve since announced that everybody is coming back, and that the show won’t be back until 2020 for some reason

I do miss the cel shaded cgi of the first three parts, but I think the visuals for Fighting Gold are incredible. But it’s not like JoJo has ever had a bad opening.

Now playing

I don’t want to be the guy who talks about anime or anything, but Fighting Gold from the newest season of JoJo is incredible.

That’s true. And they have enough meta heroes that they could probably keep our ARGUS

2049 Central City doesn’t seem as fucked up a place as the other futures we’ve seen around that time. Maybe I need to stop hoping that they actually have a plan for this.

I’ve read that the flashforwards are not getting overturned, and given that every time anybody time travels to the mid 21st century it is bleak as shit this looks like it’s the bleak future of the entire Arrowverse.

This episode was just incoherent. Like, it’s about a sentient anti-matter universe and it wants friends but the normal universe made a cave with a jerk in it and stuck it in between and then the Doctor became friends with a frog. Nothing about it worked on any level.

I have not, although it is on my list.

I just looked him up and yikes

I’ll take it!

True, but it's only okay when it's my name.

My parents are a delight, thank you very much.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that guy. Still not fantastic though.

I’m named after Holden Caulfield, and I guess the best Holden I’ve seen in pop culture is that guy from Cabin in the Woods, which still isn’t great.

Oh yeah, it’s a terrible ending.

Knives has more development because the original ending was for Scott and Knives to get back together. As a result, Ramona got sidelined, and was basically just a manic pixie dream girl.

The way I saw the movie though was that Ramona was supposed to be a unattainable, but by fighting for her Scott could work through his shit. So he could date a minor. Either way, weird choice on Wright’s part. 

It fucking sucks that it’s impossible to get it now, because it was great.

I thought it should have been two movies, while also knowing that would mean they would almost certainly never make the second movie.

The OST for this movie is excellent.