I double checked the timeline, and Nora is from 2047ish, Zari is from 2042, and the Connor Hawke episode was 2046. Given how fucked up the future Nora should be grateful her mother dampened her powers to protect her from ARGUS.
I double checked the timeline, and Nora is from 2047ish, Zari is from 2042, and the Connor Hawke episode was 2046. Given how fucked up the future Nora should be grateful her mother dampened her powers to protect her from ARGUS.
I really thought they were building to something with the Dr Parker and Level 2 stuff. I was thinking the doctor might turn out to be Hugo Strange, or that Oliver would be dealing with increasingly messed up mind fuckery, and then nope! It was a good episode, and I was even liking Felicity, until she started cry-talkin…
She really needs one of those big grandstanding speeches that 11 used to have, something that really says "look at me I'm the Doctor." 13 has great energy, but as the Doctor she seems a little understated.
The “cigar smoking man” hated Stan Lee. I’m not going to make any arguments about Stan Lee’s legacy or contributions to comics or anything like that, but it feels kinda gross to use Kirby to memorialize Lee like this.
I love Cheyenne Jackson, but he’s probably had, what, 20 minutes of screen time total? How is he in the opening credits?
It was weird that we never saw Kyle at the Academy. He’s the watchdog of the coven, shouldn’t he have died trying to stop Ms. Mead?
You have to be pulled out of the greys on a site-by-site basis for some stupid reason. People who went from Discus to kinja were auto-ungreyed, but otherwise you just need to hope for the best, because kinja is a garbage fire.
For horror movies for sure. No horror movie can sustain itself past the 95 minute mark. And because all I’ve been watching lately have been slashers I find the ideas of even a 2 hour movie unbearable.
I love the shit out of The Invisibles, but I really do worry that it will still turn out to be unfilmable.
I doubt it’s Thea given how much Willa Holland wanted off the show, but it does look like it could be a woman.
The show has always been funny (well, post-season one), but I feel like the show is even funnier this year. The dialogue especially has become a lot snappier.
I saw somebody theorize that the current Green Arrow is future William, and that does start to maybe kinda look possible.
The first time I played it I beat him in 3 tries. The second time through it was more like 30.
For me the worst series 5 got was Vampires of Venice and Hungry Earth/Cold Blood, both stories that I still basically liked. Series 6 though has what is possibly my least favourite episode in all of NuWho (The Doctor’s Wife) with the rest of the season being a mixed bag but that included some episodes I really liked. …
I’d say that’s true, except for 11. Moffat clearly burned through all his good stuff in his first season, and while his second season had some good episodes it was much less consistent.
Yeah, none of the episodes have been terrible, none of them have been great, they’ve all just been basically okay. If I was grading them everyone would probably be a B-?
If it’s official it’s not cosplay, it’s cosbusiness.
I mean, Joker clearly had plans, meticulously so.
Iron Man 3 is super underrated, but that pretty much rules it out for contention as the most important of its year.
So your number one is a game that nobody can play? For real?