
I maintain that it’s better than The Raid, but I recognize that’s a minority opinion.

Worse, neither one has even gotten close. Two-Face is a big enough deal to be the primary villain in a Batman movie, but he’s always an afterthought.

It’s better than all the Nolan movies too.

Dredd is one of the greatest action movies ever made. Nothing boring about that.

Mystical Ninja was like if Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of time had a beautiful, somewhat glitchy baby. I loved the hell out of that game.

Not gonna lie, I actually didn’t remember that. So much of his motivation this season has been him just being a jerk.

I’ve never had any sense of investment in the Cisco/Gypsy relationship, and they’ve given the Thinker one of the stupidest villain motivations I’ve ever seen, so this was not a great episode.

Man, I found this challenge to be so boring. I checked out for most of the episode.

The counter to control decks is an aggro deck, but they can get their wall up so early that aggro struggles against it. You need to win in 5 turns or you’re boned.

Except aside from enabling this combo Grumble was basically completely unused. It’s just not a good card, except when paired with shudderwock.

I feel like Monique is getting slept on hard. Every episode I feel like she’s placing lower than she deserved.

The only part of this episode that worked for me was Cheryl drenched in blood and brandishing a candelabra.

It’s weird how unimportant the fratricide was in the original article. “This guy was a serial squatter who intimidated his room mates with his strange behaviour and legal threats. Oh, and also he killed his brother I guess.”

I’m mostly confused by how they got rid of Killer Frost. Like, they said that he used Melting Point’s powers to do it, but I honestly can’t remember DeVoe ever getting Melting Point. I guess I could just be forgetful, but I’m really drawing a blank here.

I mean, Middle English is objectively the best language. No, I don’t care to back that up.

An okay list, although you have Jason X way to low and Jason Takes Manhattan. And Final Friday is worse than A New Beginning.

Taking itself too seriously is Arrow’s entire shtick though, take away that and what’s left?

Heathcliff is a masterpiece of anti-humour. You know there’s supposed to be a joke, and if you squint you can almost figure out what it is, but it always eludes you. Add to this that’s it’s so weirdly self-referential, and you have the best comic in the funny pages.

I think the only reason Legends gets a shortened order is because they need to spend more per episode on sets and costumes, so it’s really just a happy accident that it works out for them, rather than a plan. I can’t see them ever cutting the season orders of their other shows though.

Michael Emerson is incredible dude. He can sell even the most ridiculous lines with complete seriousness, and he plays obsessed and deranged so well. It’s a huge shame that he wasn’t the season’s final villain.