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Precursor to “Family Guy” was on top of the mustard...

It’s ok I guess haha

My hypotheses:

The Challenger is just tired of getting beaten by heavier AWD cars like the 5,000 lb Tesla Model S.

Worth noting that this 4C seems mechanically unrelated to an actual 4C.


You could make do reading this...

That car is a waste of a perfectly good rear transaxle and Busso V6. What, was this body by Giugiaro not good enough?

Aren’t the engines in older Koenigseggs actually Mustang engines?

That part about batman peeing on the wall has always been there as it’s the verse preceding the chorus. It corresponds with this part in Jingle Bells:

Reading your frustrated description of that little joystick reminded me of how capable Toyota once was at practical ergonomics.

You’re saying that what a Tesla needs is a megawatt hour of capacity?

Interesting point. Perhaps a dog might never have ended up in that situation in the first place?

Yeah, my cat one time nimbly navigated through the spinning metal fan blade of my mom’s 1967 Firebird with nary a scratch... and half her fur gone, and a huge gash on one side.

interest in architecture and industrial design is thought of as erudite and sophisticated, while car enthusiasts are still usually pigeonholed on the meatheadier part of the human spectrum.

Is dad a Gundam pilot? Because he wielded that little Bobcat quite handily.

Wow. Did not know about that stuff. Glad I never even considered paying for anything.

something better is possible

Can I get that V4 in a lightweight car by Ariel?