
What about lithium mining companies?

“Oh, yeah! You’re gettin’ pictures!” -says portrait mode guy

I’m so blessed to have you in my life to let me know that a minivan my family had in the 90s was a shit vehicle. Thank you so much. You’re doing god’s work, sir!

Don’t worry. I said “kindly”.

Bastards have feelings too, you know.

*She (mom) had a Previa. Ever raise 3 kids and a dog in the midwest where you have to drive everywhere and every kid is involved in 3 sports?

Money’s impact on a person’s happiness has rapidly diminishing returns past a certain point, but one’s time is always precious. So yes, something like 80% of the time for 40% of the money can be viewed as a good deal depending on what you value in life.

For me it was amazing, but for my father... well. Let’s just say it was an easy decision not to follow in his footsteps. Being a surgeon sucks, if you ask me. I’m happy to work a fraction of the time and make a fraction of the money.

This is just sample, dude. Looking back, it’s nuts. I think I have a list somewhere...

“Lime yellow” is the color and it’s fantastic

Dude, it’s crazy! And I don’t think it’ll ever come down. Things may cool off a bit, but these cars will remain 7 figure cars forever, because the amount of wealth in this world keeps increasing but the number of these cars cannot.

My family now can’t compete with my family circa 1995. All of those cars were so affordable compared to now.

He sold it in ‘97 for about 6% of what it sold for at auction last year :*(

My cars?! I wish. I’ve only got a Subaru Impreza and this Alfa.

Hey, go easy on the quirky Canadian. I loved that thing!

Yes! I was saying the same thing about the distinctive smells!

Same as many others here. Family had a lot of sweet cars. I’ve got deep childhood memories that come up at the smell of old leather, the smell of gasoline evaporating out of a carburetor in a garage, and the distinct exhaust of old British cars.

First result when googling “crankshaft whip” is the Wikipedia page for “straight-eight engine”