
Because lefties associate this with nationalism (the horror) and one commenter on here already said this reminds him of the “xenophobic” ads from Chrysler that talked about imported from america.

Has Hyundai tried explaining to the owners “whoever smelt it, dealt it?”

“Lukewarm Salad” is the name of my indy pop folk rock group.

Especially 1st year.

I think the Judge must be one of the most common sense / realistic / idealist Judges I’ve heard of. The logic is all there, in a perfect world.


I 100% guarantee Tom knows more than you about car buying.

Elon Musk can go fuck himself. 

I love your articles David, but don’t tell me you hate wasting money.  Filling your yard with 11 or so buckets of rust is exactly what wasting money feels like.  For those of us who only top up our antifreeze once a year or so, or get a flush every 100,000 miles or so the money saving thing to do is to buy diluted

seriously. I thought it was still a pretty good bet at $220 in September. And then I did nothing.

That’s because that’s all any of them can afford.

Get it so Americans don’t need a car at all.”

ahh, yes because it’s just the cars in the US that are causing that.

Jalopnik is such partisan trash now, and I say that as someone who has never missed an election and never once voted republican..

And if they did, two years later when no one here bought it because they were waiting to find it for $5K used, then the new complaint here would be that they would’ve sold like hotcakes if they had 500hp, a manual, no driver aids, were easy to repair and priced just under 20K.

I have a 2014 Challenger. It was built in April of that year, so it’s obviously 5 1/2 years old at this point, and it was a New York City car for several years - I drove it in and out of the city on the LIE and BQE every day, then all over Manhattan. Those are hard miles; I’ve ruined two other cars prematurely that

Going after a guy from behind is a bitchass move 100% of the time.

So millennials don’t like Chick-fil-A’s or Popeye’s chicken sandwich. All I gather from this is millennials as whole experienced a mutation in their tongue that made them unable to enjoy tasty food.

Neutral: I think the strike wont have of an effect on truck month as most people seem to be buying Rams or Fords. 

For some reason I was never able to get into these. I worked at McD’s back in high school and the place would be a madhouse when McRibs were available. But to me, that soft, mushy “rib” meat was more like Spam slathered in over-sweet BBQ sauce.