
1st: the whole argument is moot, elon gets paid if elon meets targets elon has set for tesla... has elon ever met a delivery date or target for tesla? ...literally ever?

But at some point humor treads into dickishness

This whole column should be called “How to guilt people into screwing themselves and paying me more.” None of this advice is geared towards actually improving a dining experience. It is just a how-to guide for waitstaff to get larger tips.

I’m going to alert the FBI of your threat, and they’ll do nothing about it!


First Gear:

Same person?

Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.

Comfort turkeys?! Come ON. Turkeys are nowhere near comforting.

1st Gear: Fuck the UAW always and forever

Well... so far it’s;

You wouldn’t think so, but teenagers are eating detergent packets “for the lolz” so at this point everything is fair game.

Hey, fuck you.

Or he can see a terribly run company with a ceo who just lies and lies to inflate the stock price because dumbasses believe his bullshit?

I know everyone has a hard on for keeping these type of things original, but it looks awful. They should restore to how it looked when filming. Save as much “original” as possible, but make it bad ass again.

I suppose with a buying pool as dumb as truck buyers, it probably pays for itself, but it’s just still dumb.” 

In this case, I reckon the only tool involved is sitting behind the wheel!

yea but the demon is faster in the quarter mile no contest...u cant beat 800hp plus slicks make it faster and with some cheap mods even quicker...why would u buy a slower car, basically a beetle with a new suspension and motor. tbh i dnot trust the complex german turbos anyway...american muscle is where its at. u need

Because New York's pizza is so damn much better?