
You are either early or late for April Fools...No Dice

One of my kids works for a Massive bank in auto loans and says the most buy backs they process are Cadillacs. So quality seems to be a big issue, so this is a big No Dice. 

My uncle had one of these as a work car. Bought it new and drove it until he retired in the 80's and sold it for a fortune. Damn Nice Price

If you consider the selling price as a down payment toward finishing someone else’s project then fine, but for me a big fat No Dice.

Subaru is always No Dice

Nothing I would ever own but showed it to a co-worker, he is 63, and he drooled, so I guess that is an old guy Nice Price.

Parts easy to source, 4 wheel drive for winter and not bad looking. Sure, what the hell, Nice Price

Take care of it and it will outlast most owners...Damn Nice Price. 

The Hyundai will have better quality so it is the better vehicle

And in 2 years when the bugs are worked out and the 12 recalls are all done, due to Ford lack of quality, it may be something worth owning.

I would use it as a weekend fun ride only so at that price it is indeed a Nice Price

Nope, no way no how, a money pit in the offering. No Dice 

22 grand is only the start of what it will cost to keep it running. No Dice

Oh what the hell, give it a Nice Price for trying to be something it’s not.

Too many unanswered questions and it’s a Bimmer. No Dice

Since i can’t seem to publish without hitting reply this morning I will just say for that kinda money I want full size or no size...No Dice

It;s in ok shape but not ok enough for the price listed. No dice

My ex had one, I drove it once....once....No Dice

Normally a BMW is automatically a No Dice for me, but I really like this one. Nice Price

I want something bigger than my grandkids power wheel. No Dice