
Plus it doesn’t even get you ripped or muscular. Like at least crossfitters or people who obsess in the gym for hours can go to the beach and show off their 6 packs. Or defend themselves in a fight or something.

“They’re surrounding him like he’s some sort of black teenager walking down the street”

I think your wrong. I think this is the one time the writers, if ever, have leverage. Univision just paid 9 figures for the media sites. The writers can end the sites pretty quickly. Univision will slowly fill in company men, but right now the writers have some leverage.Some manager is shitting their pants somewhere

Why are you telling them what they need to do. You sold out as a software developer, doing whatever somebody tells you in exchange for money. Why does that mean they need to sell out as journalists? Just because you did?

And they get a free education from Charleston Southern University. We can only guess how much that is worth.

Common strategy is the smugglers tip of the authorities about these ladies with 5 suitcases of coke, so the authorities focus on them, while 50 more make it across. But in this case, given the amount, I am not so sure...

I was opposed to Colin’s actions right from the start, not because it disrespected any service members, but because “fuck now I will have to listen to endless hot takes from old white dudes.”


I voted Cynthia McKinney

I have never seen stalling called in the last 2 seconds. 10 seconds, sure, since it is still conceivable that the opponent could get points. But last 2 seconds, there is no way he can get a takedown. Show me one other match with a last second or last 2 seconds stalling call.

If swimming had “get across the pool as fast as you can” as its only event (aka freestyle), Phelps would have 1 individual gold....

“Athletics 47 events per Olympics

Imagine if Bolt or any of the other track athletes had started swimming when they were 5 years old.....

If Bolt, or really any of the top 20 track athletes, had been swimming since they were 4 years old, Michael Phelps probably has 1 bronze medal total, if he is lucky.

Usain’s splits in relay with a running start are like 8.7 ...