
Good tips!  Also, go into settings and turn “Camera shaking while traversing” to 0.   Web slinging around town is so much better when you can actually take in the surroundings.

yes!  I remember really liking it... but I was 13.  Years later I tried a re-watch and couldn’t figure out why I liked it so much.

... and the “I like Chinese song.” I listened to Monty Python albums obsessively in the late 80s and early 90s.  The Chinese Song still pops into my head sometimes and I have to catch myself before I start singing it.

LOL.  no thanks.  I’ll keep playing comp and treating it like it is: a fucking video game.  

Ready Player One was GARBAGE.

You’re the kind of player I’m hoping this system will help me avoid.  It’s just a game.  Chill out.

My hype level for this game is through the roof. Even with its flaws I loved the first one, I loved Mad Max and this seems like the perfect combo of Doom and Mad Max and then some....

Apple has become what Microsoft was in the 90s... but worse.

RPGs seem to take the reverse approach of story over gameplay, which is why I bore of them so fast.

NeXT computers were so far ahead of their time. My computer science classes used them. I played DOOM for my first time one.

I am irrationally angry at Dennis right now.

Designers and developers and testers all sit at desks with screens a foot or two from their face, so nobody flags issues like this during development.

Call me when Hulk: Ultimate Destruction is released!!!

If this guy really believes abusing other people over a mic in a video game isn’t “real life” then he’s going to be a shit therapist. If I knew my therapist behaved this childishly I’d dump him on the spot. “When your amygdala kicks in, it shuts down your frontal lobe, which censors what you say”. That’s a load of

Project Cars is FAR from unplayable. Yeah, it doesn’t look as good as the flat game but what VR game does. It performs well and its fun to play even with a controller. I have spent countless hours in it. It’s great.

As a huge Rock Band fan, I was immensely disappointed with Rock Band VR. It’s not a rhythm game. It’s a randomly push buttons to make sounds that aren’t even in tune with the song. As a musician, this is incredibly painful to play. Waste of money. At least they have the “legacy mode” which is passable.

Great, now I have to buy Crypt of the Necrodancer for yet another platform. :)

It’s a shame they dropped 3D. The 3D on my 2015 LG 1080p OLED is magnificent and something I don’t want to do without.

It’s a shame they dropped 3D. The 3D on my 2015 LG 1080p OLED is magnificent and something I don’t want to do

This is the first time this article didn’t use The Witcher for a picture in a long time. :)

There is at least 60 hours of unique content in the game, which is more than most $60, and I had a super fun time with it. $20 is a steal. Also, I don’t give a shit about cosmetics.