
Look, 2016 sucks for a lot of reasons. Donald Trump, Kardashians, North Korea. But a 40 year old British man can stream a game about driving a truck for 5 hours a week and thousands of people watch it, and that gives me hope.

“The Switch lacks a killer feature”

Still the Air Force must be pissed, didn’t they by something like 2000 ps3 to network into a supercomputer and now can only claim $55 back.

I just tried this with my Xbox One. It mostly works.

LOL, because the 3DS didn’t sell any better right? Oh please Jack, you folks decided you wanted to squeeze as much money from customers as you could, while at the same time putting as little as you could into the system and it showed from the start. Lack of AAA focus, proprietary memory cards and the list goes on and

I’m still tickled that going on 60 years later, an offshoot genre from one of the most racist periods in American history is still the go-to standard for white people of every age as the gold standard for everything Black culture. As if Shaft was the pinnacle of African American achievement. It is our one sacred cow,

The sudden “hey this is a Christmas movie now” plot twist had me in tears.

I was a lot younger than I am now and still was young enough to think about having a family of my own and it just made me verklempt enough with Cap’t Picard having his regrets at for a moment having the family he desired deep down and then

I guess you could say esports players have little to grain

The genre is referred to as AG Racing, which stands for anti-gravity. But sure, let’s continue argue over shit for no reason.

If only Steve Jobs had loved chemo, we could ask him.

I have a lot of friends who grew up on Nintendo systems. I, however, had a Genesis. It’s a strange thing really. I look at what Nintendo is now and it’s really just what they were then. You can be a nostalgic fan but you can have that further fueled by the fact that Nintendo grew up WITH you. You dont HAVE to talk

It was to get to the secret hot tub.

* ducks *

There’s a fine line between spamming and mastering an annoying character’s playstyle. Sometimes, there isn’t. Some people are spammy assholes. Some people are Fox players.

I know it’s not the popular choice but: Fusion.

I’ll say it: This is the best 2D Metroid since Super Metroid. I followed the project for nearly 10 years, and the love he put into it is on another level.

Bro, I don’t know bro.

A Pokemon like Articuno should be spawning in, like, Antartica.

I feel like the it’s the opposite IMO, rather than just releasing a set amount of new pokemon each Gen this feels like they are making an effort in trying to keep the original pokemon fresh and exciting

Ha. Cool. Good luck finding it, and if it’s in working condition that would be amazing.