
Came here for the Samantha Bee shipping. Wasn’t disappointed. “Full Frontal” is like watching “The Daily Show” in its infancy (pre-’03/4), before Jon Stewart became a universally respected pundit-of-sorts (and kind of bought into his own hype a little), back when there was this sense that no one was really watching

I have to hand it to RPDR’s editors, they were already teasing the potential drama of two contestants in kimonos before the commercial break before the runway, only to then have four?!? Give this show ALL the Emmies.

He’s not mature enough to come off intelligent or light-handed enough to pull off being silly and ironically insulting.

I’d seen his standup. I knew he wouldn’t be.

I think he’s content to simply look good in a suit and draw a paycheck.

He’s not insulting him. He’s running for President on a platform that’s decidedly MORE Progressive than that of the man who we thought was a Progressive President.

Nah, the joke was pretty clear.

True but in the movies, Darth Vader is known to be white and his soldiers are all in white armor while his opponents are of different races and species. So they aren’t using black and white that way.

What ? He doesn’t turn white, he is white or how could he have fathered Luke and Leia who are white? James Earl Jones’ voice was used to simulate what speaking through that mask would sound like and he was chosen for his powerful voice not anything else. Also the assumption that SW even uses black as representing evil

Black as symbolic of evil predates American race politics and goes at least as far back as ancient Greece. Heck, it probably goes back to our cave dwelling ancestors, for whom night/darkness was dangerous and life threatening.

O lordy lordy lordy. As a POC, I understand being surrounded by fucked up racism, but that’s a really insane POV.

Her show wasn’t very good. That’s a fact. She went off the rails because MSNBC wanted to preempt her show for two fucking weeks. That’s nuts. At first she tried to say it was racism, and when that didn’t work, she tried to troll them.

Some of her statements regarding racism were a stretch. The “hard worker” one made her look ridiculous. And the claim that Star Wars was racist because Darth Vader was black was just bizarre. She definitely undermined herself with some of her stuff.

Same. Not that she isn’t justified but I am kind of horrified that people just choose to blow up on social media at whoever wronged them. I certainly could not do that and continue to have a professional career.

Well they came to their senses. She wasn’t very good. Now, as we have learned through this nonsense, that she’s crazy as well.

I’ve never been involved in anything on this level, but just reading her tweets makes me understand why people say you should strive to keep calm and collect your thoughts in situations like this. What seems to her to be “clever, defiant and fierce” comes off as “resentful, immature and narcissistic.” Her advisors are

I see she is taking the Keith Olbermann approach to this. Yeah....that worked for him...

Why would anyone possibly care? This is the same lady that made fun of Mitt Romney’s (black) grandson for having the audacity to be adopted by the Romney family.

It’s interesting how it could reach a breaking point in January over a song that wouldn’t be released until February 6th.

I don’t know. I’m a white guy helping to raise a Rosemary plant. Are you saying I’m not half-delicious?