Bernie Sanders wrote an entire paper on why you’re wrong.
Bernie Sanders wrote an entire paper on why you’re wrong.
Nobody can be outspoken anymore, that’s the point. And if you do you risk being subjected to frivolous lawsuits or blackballs.
I’m not saying that she made this up, but it’s just such a coincidence that all of this is going down in Virginia at the same time. Just seems like too big of a coincidence to be true, even though it could be true. I believe this woman, but at the same time if I was going to completely fabricate an allegation I…
They blackballed Kaep for no reason, now there going after other stars for the same reason: No Reason.
Jacking up tuition every year and accepting anyone who could load up on debt - aka anyone with a pulse - was a really cool trick that universities played over the past twenty years.
Disagree, and so do millions of others. Sharia has a place in the United States government on the federal level. Should go without saying that it also belongs in state and local government.
That’s an old wive’s tale. Sharia says that one woman’s testimony is worth that of four men.
Nancy Pelosi keeps it real for sure, however I definitely have to take some issue with comparing her to Suge Knight who is a total sucker MC.
Careful, you have no idea how much crap I got for saying basically exactly this on the Virginia article.
Don’t be silly. Sharia was created to help women.
Just canceled my NYT subscription. If the paper of record is going to cave to Trump supporters on Twitter I am out. Thanks.
Well, she does have a certain portion of Native American DNA so at the very least she is genetically a Native American, but I get your point. She didn’t live in their traditional manner and for that she should apologize, but nothing more.
Listen, all I’m saying is that we need to lay off the gas pedal and maybe even pump the brakes a bit. There’s very likely an explanation for all this so let’s not hand Trump another easy win.
Thank you! That is exactly what I’m saying. We can’t let the Republicans get away with using old, out of context photos against us.
While I agree that she’s able to claim minority status for being a woman, I still disagree that she’s not Native American. Just as you said, it’s heritage and culture and upbringing that makes one a Native American. And she had all of that. What she didn’t have was the DNA, but that doesn’t matter.
No. Context matters and perception is reality.
No, I don’t think so. Warren was well within her rights to claim minority status. And good for her for sticking up for her heritage - or what she believed was her heritage.
Eh, call me old fashioned but this doesn’t bother me at all. You have to remember that wearing blackface as a Democrat is an entirely different thing than wearing blackface as a Republican. Not to mention, this was a very very long time ago.
My uncle is all over Facebook about this so... take this with a massive grain of salt, but the chorus seems to be that Warren wasn’t really qualified for any of her positions before she got to the senate and climbed her way to the top on the backs of Native Americans.
I know. It makes no sense. They are trying to say that she lied about being Native American to secure prestigious jobs she was otherwise unqualified for... total BS imo. Love Warren.