
Another Stop & Shop fan! By far the most underrated Seltzer out there.

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Wrong musical choice. The UNSC is an outgrowth of the United Nations, with the us being a largely irrelevant bit of historical trivia by the 26th century and most of the important shit on earth being located in africa. Pence has more in common with the prophet of truth than anything else in that franchise.

Besides, if

another review, from one of my teenagers:

Funny - an absolutely base Envoy was my first car, purchased from my 70-odd-year-old neighbor who was the only owner, and I have a very similar story. The day I got my license I went to a concert at the local amphitheater with my dad and one of his buddies, who ended up a little over-served. As I nervously navigated

Clearly, that Camry now has minor damage to it’s side/front rather than the rear bumper dent. So sad it didn’t earn its Camry badge of honor yet.

Nothing we’d ever delivery to Norway though (or that Norway would want for that matter). It seems pretty obvious he just got tripped up about Norway’s order for 52 F-35s.

No mention of Rose Red?

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Not a movie, and not a “haunting,” but I think the X-Files “Home” is pretty up there on freakiest house shows.

I’ve been married 16 years and also get screamed at every time I try to get my wife to spread her legs.

Personally, I loved the fan getting beaned by James McCann’s homer.

Mei is bae.

So Kaepernick can’t kneel during the anthem because that’s disrespecting the troops but it’s totally ok to fly a Nazi flag. Totally not disrespectful to the troops that were shipped off to Europe to stop said Nazis.

Congratulations, Mr. Rosin, on COTD! I would like to gift you with an airplane which this lovely lady will deliver as soon as she dresses in the proper attire.

If Genji is whining from across the damn universe, I don’t consider that to be my problem. He knows where I am. He can come to me. I’m busy.


No, no, no. Peanuts are best enjoyed one-by-one. You separate the halves in your mouth, then savor each of the three pieces individually: the radicle first, and then each half.

“the Warrant is coming out of my balls.”