
The trope fiery death returns! Huzzah!

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Let’s not forget the S600 with equal length headers. Freakin F1 scream.

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Olds Aurora (and other Northstars) mean 32v dohc growl

Seriously, what the fuck is that? Is is supposed to be gold? Bronze?

Apparently the “Color Rush” thing is for select Thursday night games. Behold tonight’s matchup. (Warning, Not Safe for Eyes).

New wallpaper, thank you.

Nobody has been this bad at bathing since Whitney Houston.

Not being RWD or (non front bias) AWD

The Dealerships.

This is the perfect excuse for me to drag out this gif:

Oh, you’re talking about the Orange, NJ style sloppy Joe. Yeah, those are the bomb.

Top row, far right: Heyayay

Apparently much less thirsty than you’d think. 17 city 29 highway isn’t bad for a V8, non-hybrid sports car.

This is fucking amazing, should be no: 1

I wouldn’t call them overalls as much as I’d call them around-somes.

but we have those, and you can signal other drivers in a festive way as well!

It was tough finding one not already mentioned, but the ‘64 American LaFrance 900 from A View to a Kill. Only time I can think that Bond drove a fire truck.

It’s a race of who can google this image fastest:

A 70’s Lincoln Mark IV because Spec Land Yacht needs to happen in my life. That, and cruising downtown in this thing would be such a good conversation starter.