
I find your lack of love for twin tails, disturbing.

Hahaha. What the hell is this. This is the comment of the week right here, folks. What minivan?!??!! Why Femto?! WHY?!?!?

Obvious answer is obvious.

Hey! That's a lot of brown.

well, I didnt buy a car, but it is timely: Two days ago I went to the local Carmax to have my truck "appraised". Its 11 years old, and now that I have a 3 year old, a regular cab just isn't cutting the mustard (mainly because he can reach the windo/door controls from his carseat and there are no child safety features

Can't say I've ever really had one, because I learned at the feet of a master: my dad.

You are in control. If you think you're being screwed, get up and walk out.

Monza would be so much better than most of those and while we're talking about places Sprint Cup needs to go Rockingham should be on the list for sure.

"I don't have much of a choice at the moment."

Bath police is what my uncle used to call it :(

"Jack Cottle, the 22-year-old homunculus..."

Speak for yourself. I only need one hand to drink my coffee, and one hand to scroll...

Has a more beautiful car existed? I'm sure, but not many...

Technically the TUDOR cars, but these sisters should be pretty mean in their 73/74 trim for LeMans

Different breeds of cattle are used for beef and dairy production; odds of that combo are zero.

Its amazing how hitting people with lasers in a fog room, Mortal Combat music blaring on a loop, can make your dick feel ten feet long.

The emergency/parking brake. When I was using rentals, I had to look around for them always.

"I hope Android-senpai likes me"

Name: Eternal Sonata

6.) Ford Freudian Gilt